Moderator: Karl G.
Erich wrote:-Two handed melee weapons do less Damage Per Second (DPS) than a single 1-handed weapon
-Fury's lifesteal is very powerful.. maybe too powerful
Erich wrote:-T3 (third room) mobs in the Troll Fortress are very, very tough (they 1-hit Claymore who was level 20) - perhaps separate them from T2 (the second room) by a longer hallway or a pit so they don't accidentally get drawn into the T2 area? One T3 troll wiped our group of 4 people that I was showing around
Morn wrote:The server (or maybe just the map) can only handle one trans at a time, so if somebody is being trans happy on the sq, and your trying to tele away from a monster, your screwed. Discovered this after I racked up four death penalties. Irritating bug.
ven wrote:Trans Wands always seem to work for me but not off of a cliff.
Joe M. wrote:* Gain EXP for kills on square. This is a problem (farming monsters on squares without guards)
* Monster pathfinding is better than ever, but: monsters will sometimes get stuck on a boundary and keep walking it: I've seen dogs trace the walls of a dungeon, and a crawler walk in circles around a tree.
Morn wrote:I can still accumulate working exp and level up even if I have an exp penalty. I dunno if the penalty is just supposed to reduce the amount of exp I recieve or have some other effect, but I've gain 2 levels while maintaining enough deaths to keep my penalty in excess of 50 grand.
Karl, do you want us to use thesymbol so you can easily find reported gliches, or have you been entering those yourself so you have a way of marking ones you noted? Or was that not you at all? lol
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