im imagening some sort of out of link guild/Order you can join that lets you achieve a new kind of magic once you hit a certain level, and each path leads to a different type of self defence, but once the paths join in a summoning ritual of some sort a seal will be formed which can summon powerfull magics.
F.ex Seal of four paths Summons some demon to fight with you and your party or maybe increases damage at the begining of a boss fight, or maybe as Sex4cash said puts a seal on the ground where players are safe or the seal could go wrong and one of the players might die

Then its just a matter of finding out what the paths will be called.
i was thinking something like Crimson, Azure , Emerald, Onyx
The Order which trains you in the different paths is called the "Guardian Order"(they were created by the gods long ago to protect Geona and serve as powerfull instruments)
(CK/S)Crimson Knight/sorceror
(AK/S)Azure Knight/sorceror
(EK/S)Emerald Knight/sorceror
(OK/S)Onyx Knight/sorceror
Crimson leyshaper? etc (you get the idea)
you would gain certain powers others could not gain and the game would be more varied and you could REALLY be an unique built character with unimaginable power.
ive always had some love for special talents for each class and almost every rpg has it, old xen only had stats making difference and gear, but with this you could become crazy and from day 1 on a character you would have to put into mind what path you would chose once you were high enough cause they each increase different things.

Just an idea!