Ok so monsters spawning in xenimus such as lava imps are every few minutes or so correct? also evil isle's adepts respawn rate is high so you can trans around killing them forever. now im not sure if we will have steals in this game but We need either more lava imp spots(not actually lava imps but spots spawning like this) or every spot a evil isle spot. It should be harder to reach level 10 but easier to reach level 20. the exp to 10 is like 20k its easy i can get 10 in like 40mins. I want lvls to be more significant so lvls 1-10 are harder. I like the idea of subclassing so once you hit 10 then you can choose your class. and make a max level of 50. then eventually once everyone has gotten hgiher increase lvl max. because lvl 50-60 isnt that much of a difference when speaking in terms of getting anything special. onyl thing that differs is the insane amount of experience you must gain. this way we can focus on making it hard to 50 but have more items betweens lvls. and we can make some more quests. I think im just starting to ramble on but These are a few ideas I had thought would be good to incorporate in game. o yea btw if there are no bags in game im not playing unless drop rate is increase dramaticly form what it is now.