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Monster Spawn

Wed Jul 25, 2007 10:51 am
by JSunJShineR
Ok so monsters spawning in xenimus such as lava imps are every few minutes or so correct? also evil isle's adepts respawn rate is high so you can trans around killing them forever. now im not sure if we will have steals in this game but We need either more lava imp spots(not actually lava imps but spots spawning like this) or every spot a evil isle spot. It should be harder to reach level 10 but easier to reach level 20. the exp to 10 is like 20k its easy i can get 10 in like 40mins. I want lvls to be more significant so lvls 1-10 are harder. I like the idea of subclassing so once you hit 10 then you can choose your class. and make a max level of 50. then eventually once everyone has gotten hgiher increase lvl max. because lvl 50-60 isnt that much of a difference when speaking in terms of getting anything special. onyl thing that differs is the insane amount of experience you must gain. this way we can focus on making it hard to 50 but have more items betweens lvls. and we can make some more quests. I think im just starting to ramble on but These are a few ideas I had thought would be good to incorporate in game. o yea btw if there are no bags in game im not playing unless drop rate is increase dramaticly form what it is now.

Wed Jul 25, 2007 5:27 pm
by Ratiotile
I don't think respawn rate will be an issue if monsters are harder to kill and give more exp. If you can clear an area of monsters insanely fast, then you should be hunting elsewhere. How are you gaining experience from your battle if the monsters are pushovers? It's like going to the park and stepping on grasshoppers to powerlevel.

Wed Jul 25, 2007 7:10 pm
by JSunJShineR
i like the idea of hard monsters to kill for more exp. but the case in xenimus has always been you just walk around slaughtering every little monster in your path. if you were a mage for instance, fast port into room bomb, fast port next room bomb, next room bomb, etc... figs sat in isle dungeon or hk's and ran attacked aorund forever and spun killing everything so making monsters harder but more exp will change the whole perspective of gameplay in xenimus. if you walk into a room with 5 monsters and each gives 1k exp. you kill them in like 2 mins wtf is that, why would i do that when I can go to mage marks and in 3mins clear out 3 marks and get like 50k exp. or on a fig walk into Hk's and in 4mins kill a few batches of hks for like 50k exp.If you want to change this you need to make the leveling system like most games such as WOW, DAOC, etc.. maybe something like DAOC would fit into xenimus for example. get a group together to go into a hard dungeon and the fighter class run attacks around gathering and then the mages all bomb the monsters that come by. and everyone shares exp in a group. that would make xenimus a much more fun game. right now it is everyman for himself and if you can't get to a spawn at the exact time to clear it or you arent fast enough then your not going anywhere and that scares off gamers. Why would I play a game where it is next to impossible to level up and get gear when I can go play a different game that is fun and I can actually accomplish something? I personally like the idea of basing leveling off of group leveling and group quests. 1 for teamplay, 2 for gear, 3 for establishing a safe lvling system inwhich all gamers can enjoy. This should be about 25 people playing the game and 5 of them are extremely high lvl and 20 of them are tired of dieing so they quit... It should be about teamwork and enjoyment for all types of gamers. You wont get business anyother way.

Wed Jul 25, 2007 11:05 pm
by Vitriol
Ok first of all you guys are thinking about leveling in terms of xenimus as it is and not as it was. Leveling to 10 in old xenimus was the equivalent of leveling 1-30 today. Leveling to 20 was like leveling to level 60 today. We are trying to bring that back.
Monsters should not be harder to kill for more xp, other games have done that and they suck. Guild Wars comes to mind. Xenimus has always been about killing massive numbers of monsters to level.
Steals in Volucris are being de-emphasized.
we are not really aiming towards a massively popular game. Project Volucris is to appeal to the small number of people who played early xenimus and are nostalgic about it. We arent aiming for joe-average lowest common denominator here.

Thu Jul 26, 2007 12:47 am
by Ratiotile
You exaggerate the difficulty of leveling, if we are to bring back propped gear. Steals make it currently very easy to level. How will it be possible to generate enough revenue to keep the servers running if the game is dedicated to a few hardcore players? If you look at Xenimus' servers, the addition of Anti-PK brought in new people, and soon the population of Anti-PK was consistently higher than Xen Prime. In any case PV can bring out the first server as the equivalent of Xen Prime. If players are losing large amounts of EXP on death, they should be able to level up quicker, as they will lose levels. I support the idea of more exp earned + more exp lost because it rewards more skillful play.

Thu Jul 26, 2007 5:18 am
by Vitriol
Ratiotile wrote:You exaggerate the difficulty of leveling, if we are to bring back propped gear. Steals make it currently very easy to level. How will it be possible to generate enough revenue to keep the servers running if the game is dedicated to a few hardcore players? If you look at Xenimus' servers, the addition of Anti-PK brought in new people, and soon the population of Anti-PK was consistently higher than Xen Prime. In any case PV can bring out the first server as the equivalent of Xen Prime. If players are losing large amounts of EXP on death, they should be able to level up quicker, as they will lose levels. I support the idea of more exp earned + more exp lost because it rewards more skillful play.
Like I said, steals are going to be deemphasized. No more infinite mp for the mages. And with spin being a high level ability, fighters have to hunt one enemy at a time. That makes for slow leveling. If we develop this game properly, we shouldnt see anyone over level 15 for atleast 2-3 months.

Thu Jul 26, 2007 8:32 am
by Ratiotile
Yes, but have you thought of what happens when those 3 months pass and fighters begin to get spin? Fighters are the ones that you have to worry about having infinite MP, as they are supposed to have very little. Take a look at Xenimus: attack run costs basically nothing, spin mana is cheap and easily stolen back. Fighters can spin 10-15 times in town before running out of MP. What is it with +base MP anyways? I didn't know that adding 5% of 0 to 0 makes it 9. If base MP weren't so messed up, fighters would have the MP they are supposed to have.

Thu Jul 26, 2007 10:52 am
by thadiusofx3
it's not 5% of 0, it's 5% of your BASE mp before class is taken into account

Thu Jul 26, 2007 11:46 am
by Ratiotile
thadiusofx3 wrote:it's not 5% of 0, it's 5% of your BASE mp before class is taken into account
Yes, but how does that make sense? +HP base is more effective on mages, while +MP base is more effective on Fighters when it should be the other way around!
On a mage with 50% hp bases, he will have more than twice his original HP.
On a Fighter with 50% mp bases, he will have over 100 times his original MP.
His system doesn't make any sense! If we were to have +bases, I would like to see them based off actual hp/mp.