Bugs and Issues (Through 2.9)

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Bugs and Issues (Through 2.9)

Postby Joe M. » Wed Mar 04, 2009 7:20 pm

Please keep the feedback coming! I'll update this every time something gets posted. Even if you're only saying "yeah, I saw that too," it helps to get that confirmation.

Alpha 2.9

  • Graphical
    • Animations sometimes make the character models twist or change size.
    • Models are a mess on some computers (seems likely that this is a problem with Vista). Some screenshots here: viewtopic.php?f=23&t=1340&start=15#p8888
      • Shields and helmets are not properly attached to the character models. Swords stand out a bit, most noticeable when running.
      • Female model.
      • Trolls have floating bits behind them, as does the storage merchant, as do certain kinds of armour (at least on the female model).
    • Monster idle animation is extremely slow.
    • Multiple spell animations on single cast (seeing teleport animation in addition to multi ignis): viewtopic.php?f=22&t=1341&st=0&sk=t&sd=a&start=60#p9277

  • Screens and Menus
    • Use menu sometimes shows up empty when opened, even if Player has consumables in inventory.
    • Clearing out my key-bindings, for one spell I had to try three times--the first two times when I right-clicked and pressed DEL the key was not un-bound, but rather re-bound, first to SEMICOLON and then to APOSTROPHE. Haven't tested this any to see if it's a particular spell or whatever, but wanted to make note of it.
    • Is there a problem with duping and storage? We've had several murmurs of such, and I could have sworn I just lost a Bejewled Ring on death (checked inventory several times after hunting around and not finding pile), but after storing and pulling out items on another char, I had 4 again.

  • Items

    • Monsters and NPCs

    • PCs
      • A couple times when I've died, I drop an equipped item *after* I respawn on the square ; I think both times I logged out upon dying to fetch my items with a higher-lvl char, and then when I log back on with the guy who died, he hasn't yet respawned--when he does, he drops on square.
      • Sometimes characters aren't saved correctly when the server reboots.
      • Repeated casting of spells can cause Character to freeze up. (?)

    • Other
      • Bug logs are no longer being created. (?)
      • Issues with the installer not properly deleting/overwriting/updating the config file, causing server disconnect: viewtopic.php?f=25&p=9024#p9020


    • Graphical
      • Monsters can fall down on top of their dropped items, hiding them from view. This is particularly bothersome with rings and swords, or large monsters such as the Monstrosities.
      • Red Potion effect needs a buff icon.
      • Name display on bottom of screen, plz.
    • Screens and Menus
      • Stats screen does not display race/class; it would also be nice if it displayed regen totals.
      • It would be nice if Player were asked to confirm character delete--at the moment it seems dangerously easy to lose all that work on accident.
      • Say Again, Change View, Chat Log. These all need to be bindable to keys. Right now the first two are disabled and Chat Log is stuck to 'L'.
      • The storage menu doesn't have a close button or any labels (just press escape to close it; yes, this will be fixed.)
      • Confirm on logout so that Player doesn't accidentally log out while exiting menus.
      • Scrolling in chat log is fuxed.

    • Items
      • HP/MP steals.
      • Inconsistent item-name capitalization. I know it's not a big deal at all, but it still bugs the heck out of me when I look at my inventory and see "aurelian corona" next to "Aurelian Sword."

    • Monsters and NPCs
      • EXP is messed up: there's no reason Trolls should give better EXP than Monstrosities.

    • PCs
      • While attacking, Player cannot cast a spell while weapon is in mid-swing. This makes it difficult as Player has to time his spell casting or move to break out of attack-mode. Spell-casting should break Player out of attack-mode.
      • Melee combat: Character's own attacks are paused when he is hit by Monster (not so much a problem for the Sorcerer, but for the Knight this can be annoying)--also prevents the use of special abilities such as Spin. Is this a problem, or just a difficulty that requires some skill on the part of Player?
      • %HP/MP items are calculated on the HP/MP including bonuses Player has when the item is donned instead of base HP/MP. Is this intentional?
      • Knights' velo spell still only lasts a very very short time.
      • WIS doesn't seem to affect the strength of defensive spells.

    • Other

    Last edited by Joe M. on Tue Mar 10, 2009 8:34 pm, edited 18 times in total.
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    Re: Bugs and Issues (2.7)

    Postby Joe M. » Wed Mar 04, 2009 11:15 pm

    Added some more: graphical bugs, problems with stacking, items disappearing too quickly.
    The last may be due to my lag-prone network.

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    Re: Bugs and Issues (2.7)

    Postby Karl G. » Thu Mar 05, 2009 10:16 am

    fixed so far for next update:
    - items disappearing too quickly
    - You can equip multiple items of the same class however it is only graphical, when you log off and back on only the last item you equipped will actually be equipped.
    - Item descriptions don't refresh when an item moves out from under Player's cursor (such as with scrolling--I think this has been fixed for others).
    - Can't walk on flowered tiles in Monstrosity area (they get stuck here). (?)
    - Scrolling is not intuitive: Player must click in the box through which he wishes to scroll (but careful not to click on an item he doesn't want to move/drop/equip/unequip/&c!); when he does move an item, scrolling ceases to function until he moves his cursor off the box.
    - Scrolling through lists is very slow.
    - defense
    - Shields and helmets are not properly attached to the character models. Swords stand out a bit, most noticeable when running.
    - mesh scaling
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    Re: Bugs and Issues (2.7)

    Postby Joe M. » Thu Mar 05, 2009 11:41 am

    Got it. By "mesh scaling", do you mean the bug described as:

    "Animations sometimes make the character models twist or change size. (?)"

    Or more general scaling?
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    Re: Bugs and Issues (2.7)

    Postby Karl G. » Thu Mar 05, 2009 12:31 pm

    general scaling--the relative sizes of characters/scenery
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    Re: Bugs and Issues (2.8)

    Postby Joe M. » Sun Mar 08, 2009 1:07 pm

    Updated for 2.8. Items in Blue are those which I haven't confirmed to be fixed.
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    Re: Bugs and Issues (2.8)

    Postby Karl G. » Sun Mar 08, 2009 1:34 pm

    Shields and helmets are not properly attached to the character models. Swords stand out a bit, most noticeable when running. Should be fixed

    not fixed :/
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    Re: Bugs and Issues (2.8)

    Postby Joe M. » Sun Mar 08, 2009 11:17 pm

    Dropped items are still too quick to disappear.
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    Re: Bugs and Issues (2.8)

    Postby Joe M. » Mon Mar 09, 2009 9:43 am

    No hit-indicator.
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    Re: Bugs and Issues (2.8)

    Postby marzuku » Mon Mar 09, 2009 11:49 am

    Joe M. wrote:No hit-indicator.

    Thats not a bug though but yeah i miss that and Powerups according too stat points, really taking a lash from trolls with my low hp and ultra high int.
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    Re: Bugs and Issues (2.8)

    Postby Joe M. » Mon Mar 09, 2009 12:08 pm

    Both are on the Issues list.

    Strange graphical bug I've seen once in a very long while. Probably nothing to worry about:
    One spell will trigger the animation of another in addition to its own animation. I've seen this two ways: casting Multi Ignis and in addition to the fireballs the white teleport circles flash about; running with Velo on and puffs of green will trail behind me, somewhat like Putesco.

    Have you seen these, Karl?
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    Re: Bugs and Issues (2.8)

    Postby Karl G. » Mon Mar 09, 2009 1:20 pm

    Thats not a bug though but yeah i miss that and Powerups according too stat points, really taking a lash from trolls with my low hp and ultra high int.

    I have uploaded an update that adds stat bonuses. The effects are a bit intricate, but play around with them and I think you'll enjoy.
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    Re: Bugs and Issues (2.8)

    Postby Joe M. » Mon Mar 09, 2009 1:45 pm

    Intricate ... hmm. All I notice right away is that my MP total has been halved. Before I had 428 MP (including bonuses) and now I have 206 (including bonuses, which is about what my base MP was before). Yikes! I'll gray-out the stat issue though.
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    Re: Bugs and Issues (2.8)

    Postby marzuku » Mon Mar 09, 2009 1:48 pm

    My mp has been halfed, intel still has no big significant change and my name aint changed to "Maximus Macigos IV" and yeh i have less health points aswell.
    cant hunt trolls anymore aint got enough mp for more than 1 putesco 1 velo and then i have to run around like a fool(Though velos time range has changed wont make a difference) and then ill end up dying.. back to GY for me :twisted:

    This is just constructive criticism :D

    did not want you to make all stats mean less, just wanted the intel stat to mean dmg for spell casters.
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    Re: Bugs and Issues (2.8)

    Postby Karl G. » Mon Mar 09, 2009 1:52 pm

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    Re: Bugs and Issues (2.8)

    Postby Joe M. » Tue Mar 10, 2009 4:15 pm

    So apparently the Aurelian Shield simply has no model associated with it. When Player drops one it doesn't show up on the ground. No wonder they're so rare! They're invisible!

    Also, Velo's major-bugged.

    And I've seen more of the graphical spell-animation bug. With a little more testing I'll write it out.

    Both on list now.
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    Re: Bugs and Issues (2.8)

    Postby Joe M. » Tue Mar 10, 2009 4:36 pm

    Weird Storage bug:

    One of my Bronze Rings seems to have been non-storeable for a while. My Storage wasn't full (other items went in), other bronze rings went in, but this one ring refused to be stored. After log-off/-in, it stored.
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    Re: Bugs and Issues (2.8)

    Postby Joe M. » Tue Mar 10, 2009 7:31 pm

    * Dying bug (discussed here: viewtopic.php?f=22&t=1365)
    * Freeze zone. Karl, you know what I'm talking about.
    * The graphical representation of a fallen item can disappear prematurely--so that there's no model on the ground, but the item is still there and can be picked up.
    * Items can not show up in inventory. I recently logged off/on to find a handful of items in my inventory that hadn't appeared before, including one which I know *should* have been there--I'd dropped and picked up a stack of items previously, and when I looked in my inventory one of them had disappeared between being dropped and being picked back up; it reappeared on log-off/-on.

    * While attacking, Player cannot cast a spell while weapon is in mid-swing. This makes it difficult as Player has to time his spell casting or move to break out of attack-mode. Spell-casting should break Player out of attack-mode.
    * %HP/MP items are calculated on the HP/MP including bonuses Player has when the item is donned instead of base HP/MP. Is this intentional?
    * Monsters can fall down on top of their dropped items, hiding them from view. This is particularly bothersome with rings and swords.

    List updated.
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    Re: Bugs and Issues (2.8)

    Postby Joe M. » Tue Mar 10, 2009 7:42 pm

    * Say Again, Change View, Chat Log. These all need to be bindable to keys. Right now the first two are disabled and Chat Log is stuck to 'L'.

    (updated list).
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    Re: Bugs and Issues (2.8)

    Postby Joe M. » Thu Mar 12, 2009 3:57 pm

    The issue of dead bodies obscuring loot, illustrated:

    2009-03-12 - 75835.png

    2009-03-11 - 22479.png

    These still have corners peeking out ; I could hardly screenshot the not-infrequent cases when the body completely covers the item (since the item drops before the body falls, if you're quick you can spot the item before it's hidden).
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    Re: Bugs and Issues (2.8)

    Postby There. There. » Thu Mar 12, 2009 4:06 pm

    only two monsters can attack you at a time so when there are 3 or more on the screen they get confused and turn around and stuff
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    Re: Bugs and Issues (2.8)

    Postby There. There. » Thu Mar 12, 2009 4:08 pm

    Also, it would be nice to have a sound and graphic associated with hitting things, like how Xen has the red dot and makes the thwack sound when a hit is landed. One more thing, when you get hit it basically stops you from doing anything and I find that to be rather annoying.
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    Re: Bugs and Issues (2.8)

    Postby Joe M. » Thu Mar 12, 2009 6:44 pm

    Hm. I hadn't listed the sound issue. It's there now. They're coming, don't worry: it's just a matter of time.

    More than two monsters can attack Player, but the AI is a little simple right now: when Monster hits something, it will turn around and run in the opposite direction for a while before angling back to try again. If you want to see this in action go pick any clear area with monsters that can't hurt you around and watch how they try to surround you: eventually you should have 4 attacking you (I'm not sure if any more than that can fit around Character).

    One more thing, when you get hit it basically stops you from doing anything and I find that to be rather annoying.

    I'm not sure what you mean--could you explain a bit more?
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    Re: Bugs and Issues (Current Version: 2.8)

    Postby There. There. » Thu Mar 12, 2009 10:45 pm

    I mean it makes it so you stop hitting and can't constantly spin. Another thing I don't like is that spinning completely stops you when you spin while walking.
    Also, the area monsters cover is way too big for their graphics. Basically when you are fighting monsters you are both attacking air in front of eachother. This is also annoying when you are trying to run by stuff, because you have to be further than you should need to be.
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    Re: Bugs and Issues (Current Version: 2.8)

    Postby Joe M. » Thu Mar 12, 2009 11:03 pm

    [being hit by a monster] makes it so you stop hitting and can't constantly spin. Another thing I don't like is that spinning completely stops you when you spin while walking.

    I'm pretty sure that being hit does not stop Character's attacking. As for Spin, I'll have to dust off my Knight and test it out. The combat system is a little awkward at the moment, to be sure. Though it does seem sensible that Character should stop moving to perform an attack maneuver. I've added this to the Issues list.

    Also, the area monsters cover is way too big for their graphics. Basically when you are fighting monsters you are both attacking air in front of eachother. This is also annoying when you are trying to run by stuff, because you have to be further than you should need to be.

    I'm not certain that this could be done better than it currently is, but I've added it to the Issues list as well so that Karl can take a look at it.
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