Bugs and Issues (Through 2.9)

Please keep the feedback coming! I'll update this every time something gets posted. Even if you're only saying "yeah, I saw that too," it helps to get that confirmation.
Alpha 2.9
Alpha 2.9
- Graphical
- Animations sometimes make the character models twist or change size.
- Models are a mess on some computers (seems likely that this is a problem with Vista). Some screenshots here: viewtopic.php?f=23&t=1340&start=15#p8888
- Shields and helmets are not properly attached to the character models. Swords stand out a bit, most noticeable when running.
- Female model.
- Trolls have floating bits behind them, as does the storage merchant, as do certain kinds of armour (at least on the female model).
- Monster idle animation is extremely slow.
- Multiple spell animations on single cast (seeing teleport animation in addition to multi ignis): viewtopic.php?f=22&t=1341&st=0&sk=t&sd=a&start=60#p9277
- Screens and Menus
- Use menu sometimes shows up empty when opened, even if Player has consumables in inventory.
- Clearing out my key-bindings, for one spell I had to try three times--the first two times when I right-clicked and pressed DEL the key was not un-bound, but rather re-bound, first to SEMICOLON and then to APOSTROPHE. Haven't tested this any to see if it's a particular spell or whatever, but wanted to make note of it.
- Is there a problem with duping and storage? We've had several murmurs of such, and I could have sworn I just lost a Bejewled Ring on death (checked inventory several times after hunting around and not finding pile), but after storing and pulling out items on another char, I had 4 again.
- Items
- Monsters and NPCs
- Standing too close (I think only possible w/ trans or spawn on top of you) to a monster and spells don't hit it: viewtopic.php?f=22&t=1341&st=0&sk=t&sd=a&start=60#p9277
- PCs
- A couple times when I've died, I drop an equipped item *after* I respawn on the square ; I think both times I logged out upon dying to fetch my items with a higher-lvl char, and then when I log back on with the guy who died, he hasn't yet respawned--when he does, he drops on square.
- Sometimes characters aren't saved correctly when the server reboots.
- Repeated casting of spells can cause Character to freeze up. (?)
- Other
- Bug logs are no longer being created. (?)
- Issues with the installer not properly deleting/overwriting/updating the config file, causing server disconnect: viewtopic.php?f=25&p=9024#p9020
- Graphical
- Monsters can fall down on top of their dropped items, hiding them from view. This is particularly bothersome with rings and swords, or large monsters such as the Monstrosities.
- Red Potion effect needs a buff icon.
- Name display on bottom of screen, plz.
- Screens and Menus
- Stats screen does not display race/class; it would also be nice if it displayed regen totals.
- It would be nice if Player were asked to confirm character delete--at the moment it seems dangerously easy to lose all that work on accident.
- Say Again, Change View, Chat Log. These all need to be bindable to keys. Right now the first two are disabled and Chat Log is stuck to 'L'.
- The storage menu doesn't have a close button or any labels (just press escape to close it; yes, this will be fixed.)
- Confirm on logout so that Player doesn't accidentally log out while exiting menus.
- Scrolling in chat log is fuxed.
- Items
- HP/MP steals.
- Inconsistent item-name capitalization. I know it's not a big deal at all, but it still bugs the heck out of me when I look at my inventory and see "aurelian corona" next to "Aurelian Sword."
- Monsters and NPCs
- EXP is messed up: there's no reason Trolls should give better EXP than Monstrosities.
- PCs
- While attacking, Player cannot cast a spell while weapon is in mid-swing. This makes it difficult as Player has to time his spell casting or move to break out of attack-mode. Spell-casting should break Player out of attack-mode.
- Melee combat: Character's own attacks are paused when he is hit by Monster (not so much a problem for the Sorcerer, but for the Knight this can be annoying)--also prevents the use of special abilities such as Spin. Is this a problem, or just a difficulty that requires some skill on the part of Player?
- %HP/MP items are calculated on the HP/MP including bonuses Player has when the item is donned instead of base HP/MP. Is this intentional?
- Knights' velo spell still only lasts a very very short time.
- WIS doesn't seem to affect the strength of defensive spells.
- Other
- Doorway bug: viewtopic.php?f=22&t=1341&start=30#p9070