- Mace has no stats heh.
- Mob damage increased (might be intended?).
- Bring back the in game screen hot keys. The inventory especially as it takes ages to go through drops this way, though the menu is a good addition.
- GUI on the HUD needs work, the mouse over menu needs something to actually mouse over for user conformation.
- /respawn can respawn you off the safety square.
- Idle animation seems a little sluggish.
- With the increased range on strike, some mobs (trolls especially) tend to kill each other while hitting your character.
- Players need a way to cancel out of gas form.
- Not sure on the conditions for this but after I killed a group of mobs, moved away from that screen for a while to kill another few groups and when I came back to the drops of the original group I could see the items on the floor but not pick them up.
Fixed bug amendments
- Dropped items after you die could do with staying on the ground longer, at least for the time being as we have no way to transport across the map and only having one spawn point.
Bugs carried over from 1.8
- The first time I log in to my account I have to click on my characters name twice to log into that character.
- Dead bodies sometimes slide across the map.
- When trying to pick up a pile of items when you have a full inventory it makes it impossible for anyone else to pick up the pile.
- I still get stuck inside mobs if I run into them.
- The included map is STILL the old version and not the recompiled one with the fixed edges
- The inventory's scroll bars are hard to grab, you have to click just right of the bar.
- Inventory scroll bar does not reset to the top after you close and reopen the inventory window (the actual inventory does however).
- When picking up items, placement into inventory seems to be random unless your inventory is cached on the server after logging out/a set period of time.
- Mobs still spawn inside mountains, haven't seen any in the water yet though it is the same bug/mobs spawn inside each other.
- When equipping items, inventory resets its self back to the top.
- Weird text bug when scrolling through inventory.
- Player names/chat can be seen through in game screens.
Stuff that needs changing/adding
- MP regen could be increased slightly more while there are no consumables in game.
- No way to delete your characters.
- Improved mob progression.
- Perpetual spawn areas like a graveyard or a castle, it just seems to be never ending fields/No landmarks.
- Chat box/chat log needs to be added.
- Scroll wheel should scroll through inventory.
- Updater should tell the user they have the most up to date client if this is true.