marzuku wrote:Im not after making any complaints or badmouthing the developers etc

I'll try to explain (and not be
too harsh):
the feel of xen.
These might be reappearing in the Modeling Update *wink*
tons of balanced pvping outside sq.
We're working on implementing a new spell system (whose code/mechanics you can't see right now) and will be balancing as best we can during the duration of beta
Square hugging.
Still has it?
XP to level was nerfed in Pre-pre-beta so that players could experience the "higher" levels as a quicker rate. 15 is by *FAR* not the highest level in the game.
monsters in certain territories.
We threw a map together so that players would have somewhere to run around - not a full map for a real game (yet)
normal leveling.
See above w/ xp nerf
cool looking gear and different types of gear.
Actually no, they didn't. They had different
textures on the same character. The Modeling Update will contain actual armors that look badass if I do say so myself
Cool looking & great spells, which worked.
New spell system = new particle effects. This is just aesthetics and as far as I know Karl is working on hardcore code right now, not polishing the look
Actually had a fucking town.
QQ? =) Again, just a map thrown together.
normal ressurection.
I don't get what you're saying by this. Your items are unequipped when you die now, but that's about all that changed
two awsome classes, Knight/sorcerer
We have expanded the amount classes (maybe more than you can play right now ;D)
Whirlwind was a perfect spell, until you added the new one which i cant even remember(shouldnt made it so fancy btw)
New spell system. The new one isn't designed for level 20 being endgame.
Thrown together map.
Noticable gear
Didn't you say this already? They were textures, not armors. New models have boots as well

pre-beta has:
New models which are awsome but should be monsters not playable races, According to lore there are dwarfes, humans dunno what more but not playable wolf races etc

Models have changed to be more human-like for the Modeling Update. Also: genii = geonans, men = humans, giants = dantalions .. I suppose we should change the words on that page to include LUCANS and VOLUCRIS. Ghuh. Calling them wolf and bird races.. they have names.. =P
a flawed damage/pvp system
A cleaner code base/expandable upper-limit pvp system that can be balanced more easily than alpha's
crystal system(thumbs up)
Guild system(thumbs up)
A fucking working multi shot system
many more wepons
which are part of an item spread designed for expandability of the upper-levels
Alpha, as I've said many times to many of the whiners about pre-beta who all have the same basic complaints:
1) Alpha coding was choppy as hell, Karl has been working very hard on making tools and cleaning code for a better-running and smoother game
2) Alpha graphics had body textures, yes, but Beta will have body
armors3) Alpha had too much time spent on it for polishing and not enough time for what it was actually for - helping us work out bugs and implementing new code
4) Alpha had terrible unit pathing, but Beta will have a new system for monster chasing as well as (hopefully ready in time) "grouped" monsters
5) Alpha had only melee monsters, but Beta will have spell-casting, ranged, and crazy-go-nuts AI monsters!
All in all -
complaining won't help. Bug reports and suggestions for (non-drastic) changes you would like to see will!We love our players and our community and we're trying to move forward together. Please keep your comments constructive and optimistic.
If you don't feel like doing that, just wait for Beta when the polishing/balancing will be pretty much all we have left to do!