Alpha, was it so bad that you had to ruin it?

Im not after making any complaints or badmouthing the developers etc, but seriously look at the videos, and then try to tell me that if we mixxed pre beta models and systems with the awsomeness of alpha, would it not rock like hell?
Alpha had:
the feel of xen.
tons of balanced pvping outside sq.
Square hugging.
monsters in certain territories.
normal leveling.
cool looking gear and different types of gear.
Cool looking & great spells, which worked.
Actually had a fucking town.
normal ressurection.
two awsome classes, Knight/sorcerer
Whirlwind was a perfect spell, until you added the new one which i cant even remember(shouldnt made it so fancy btw)
Noticable gear
pre-beta has:
New models which are awsome but should be monsters not playable races, According to lore there are dwarfes, humans dunno what more but not playable wolf races etc
a flawed damage/pvp system
crystal system(thumbs up)
Guild system(thumbs up)
A fucking working multi shot system
many more wepons
Now to end this post with some awsome videos of what alpha was like so you can actually imagine what a mix between the two would look like!
First Evidyon movie, me grinding different types of monsters and pk'ing a buddy.
Finding bugs and fixxing em, me and fearon
Pictures of Alpha!
Guess this is what they call, hattrick or three in a row.

Bet you have not seen 21 persons online on pre-beta

High lvl battle with karl and deathstalker

how i miss the feelings of that game.
Alpha had:
the feel of xen.
tons of balanced pvping outside sq.
Square hugging.
monsters in certain territories.
normal leveling.
cool looking gear and different types of gear.
Cool looking & great spells, which worked.
Actually had a fucking town.
normal ressurection.
two awsome classes, Knight/sorcerer
Whirlwind was a perfect spell, until you added the new one which i cant even remember(shouldnt made it so fancy btw)
Noticable gear
pre-beta has:
New models which are awsome but should be monsters not playable races, According to lore there are dwarfes, humans dunno what more but not playable wolf races etc

a flawed damage/pvp system
crystal system(thumbs up)
Guild system(thumbs up)
A fucking working multi shot system
many more wepons
Now to end this post with some awsome videos of what alpha was like so you can actually imagine what a mix between the two would look like!
First Evidyon movie, me grinding different types of monsters and pk'ing a buddy.
Finding bugs and fixxing em, me and fearon
Pictures of Alpha!
Guess this is what they call, hattrick or three in a row.

Bet you have not seen 21 persons online on pre-beta

High lvl battle with karl and deathstalker

how i miss the feelings of that game.