- fixed getting stuck in monsters (alphas, please test this)
- prevent monsters from spawning in water/fix water edge
- HP/MP doesn't go beyond box anymore
- items show up on ground (alphas, give me feedback on speed of recycling)
- spell now cast without the need to click
- significant game speed increase
- lower occurrence of "tearing" in full-screen mode (should make the game more smooth)
- Launcher program:
- Select between normal/sse/sse2 versions of the client
- automatically download updates
- getting stuck in mobs of monsters
- significantly optimized game rendering loop
Stuff that didn't make this cut:
- Allow client to see FPS on screen; make FPS manager more robust
- add "hot corners" to show buttons for:
- top left - taking action on things in the world ("private chat with", "trade with", etc)
- top right - viewing static screens (inventory, stats, key settings)
- introduce genisite, geosids, portals and the chaos plane
- examine memory leaks
- do something about items not showing up on the ground & being deleted too quickly after death
- landmarks?
- ability to delete characters
- see race/class on stats screen