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Addressed for 1.8.0

Tue Sep 09, 2008 11:12 am
by Karl G.
Features that made the cut:- fixed getting stuck in monsters (alphas, please test this)
- prevent monsters from spawning in water/fix water edge
- HP/MP doesn't go beyond box anymore
- items show up on ground (alphas, give me feedback on speed of recycling)
- spell now cast without the need to click
- significant game speed increase
- lower occurrence of "tearing" in full-screen mode (should make the game more smooth)
- Launcher program:
- Select between normal/sse/sse2 versions of the client
- automatically download updates
- getting stuck in mobs of monsters
- significantly optimized game rendering loop
Stuff that didn't make this cut:- Allow client to see FPS on screen; make FPS manager more robust
- add "hot corners" to show buttons for:
- top left - taking action on things in the world ("private chat with", "trade with", etc)
- top right - viewing static screens (inventory, stats, key settings)
- introduce genisite, geosids, portals and the chaos plane
- examine memory leaks
- do something about items not showing up on the ground & being deleted too quickly after death
- landmarks?
- ability to delete characters
- see race/class on stats screen
Re: To be addressed for 1.8.0

Tue Sep 09, 2008 4:12 pm
by Richard. UK
yes amazing to see all of that
Just want to know how you make the secondary bullet points? the ones which are white.

would be helpful!
Kindest Regards
Re: To be addressed for 1.8.0

Tue Sep 09, 2008 4:31 pm
by Karl G.
You just do a list within a list:
- Code: Select all
[*]Second[list][*]sub-second 1
[*]sub-second 2[/list][/list]
Re: To be addressed for 1.8.0

Wed Sep 10, 2008 2:19 pm
by kuba
Also worth noting is +stats from items not working (I believe)
Re: To be addressed for 1.8.0

Wed Sep 10, 2008 2:50 pm
by Sankt Pauli
I'm not sure about the stats-thing, never really tested it but i noticed the following:
Platinum rings give me less hp then bejeweled ones (+10 hp vs. +14hp) allthough the platinums have additionally +2 cons on them (now +2 cons might just be not enough to make it noticable).
More ideas that haven't been mentioned in the first post:
- Chatlog
- Class (and Race) shown in the statscreen (i met several people who have no idea what class they are lawlz)
Minor Bugs:
- The Evidyon Window shows the wrong version number (1.7.0 as opposed to 1.7.3 in the serverscreen)
- Some Items show '+0 MP' allthough they clearly add more then 0 mp :p
Less important additions for later use:
(- Storage)
(- Consumable Items -> Being able to stack Items)
Edit: As for the landmarks, i don't really see this as a big problem at the current state of the game. All you have to do is to look besides the path you're on from time to time to check what stuff spawns in that area. And most of the time monsters run around on the paths anyways so you have an idea of what's around you.
Re: To be addressed for 1.8.0

Wed Sep 10, 2008 3:30 pm
by kuba
Yea Sankt that's why I believe +stats don't work. Also someone else mentioned in game they didn't. Imagine the damage you'll do with the additional +strength bone gear! =P
Also in regard to the item that has the +2 cons, how will that effect our characters? Assuming cons just affects our HP would this mean it works like a Salubris ring did in Xenimus, giving us a +% hp gain based on our base_hp rather than just a +hp bonus? If so could you change it to show us what % we're gaining rather than how much cons.
Re: To be addressed for 1.8.0

Thu Sep 11, 2008 7:14 am
by Karl G.
Re: To be addressed for 1.8.0

Thu Sep 11, 2008 7:15 am
by Karl G.
Sankt Pauli wrote:Minor Bugs:
- The Evidyon Window shows the wrong version number (1.7.0 as opposed to 1.7.3 in the serverscreen)
That's because it shows the client's version here and not the server's. I'll make that more clear.
Re: To be addressed for 1.8.0

Fri Sep 12, 2008 6:43 am
by Sankt Pauli
- Respawn-Time for monsters should be shorter (not more spawn, just faster respawning)
If you allready changed something with too fast disappearing items it is not noticable. :/
Stuff still disappears when you move off-screen and back again (which means you'll lose some of your loot when you fight a bigger mob that requires you to move off screen). It does not happen everytime, but really often.
Re: To be addressed for 1.8.0

Fri Sep 12, 2008 11:23 am
by Karl G.
Sankt Pauli wrote:If you allready changed something with too fast disappearing items it is not noticable. :/
Stuff still disappears when you move off-screen and back again (which means you'll lose some of your loot when you fight a bigger mob that requires you to move off screen). It does not happen everytime, but really often.
It hasn't been changed yet. There's a client-side fix that needs to happen.