My opinion and sugestions

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My opinion and sugestions

Postby willy nilly » Tue Sep 08, 2009 9:57 pm

Would like to start with a massive congratulations this project is looking absolutely fantastic. Now I'm not sure what direction you are planning on taking this game (commercially) but if you are planning on going down the same path as ej $5 a month (what ever). Advertising is going to do you wonders. I realize this is typically a major expense and you would most probably prefer to work on the game side of things. I therefore suggest that us as the players take some initiative and do some "gorilla advertising". I checked out youtube and somebody made a video with the title "oldschool hardcore rpg" or something along those lines. That sort of thing is absolutely perfect for catching our target audience (the gamer looking for a new rpg). So just throwing it out there we should all try and do our bit to get this game on it's feet.

Now please correct me if I'm wrong but I'm going to throw this out there and I do believe I am speaking on behalf of a decent percentage of players. The character models are really cool but I tend to find they do not add to the "role playing" experience. these would be cool if it was some sort of beast you can form into or merchants. To me it does not psychologically work playing as a beast and killing beasts. A game feels much more natural (for lack of a beter word) playing as a more humanoid creature killing beasts. I may be wrong here but this is how ever my opinion.

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Re: My opinion and sugestions

Postby Joe M. » Wed Sep 09, 2009 12:23 am

We aren't looking to advertise just yet, while we build into Beta, but will be advertising extensively as soon as we hit Beta.

Humans will be added back in as a player-race soon.
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Re: My opinion and sugestions

Postby Karl G. » Wed Sep 09, 2009 5:35 am


We are planning on taking this game commercial after beta so that it can sustain itself and you all can keep playing! As far as advertising, you're exactly right--that kind of per-person advertising is exactly what we need once we go commercial.

We have heard the comments about the races from a number of people now, and my brother has created a new set of models that are adjusted accordingly for the "beta minus 1" update (we're at beta minus 2 right now). Two major changes are that no races has wings, and all races have legs. We are trying to find ways to make the races unique, but still make them appealing to players and it's something that we listen very keenly to from the community.

Thanks for playing!
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Re: My opinion and sugestions

Postby marzuku » Wed Sep 09, 2009 7:51 am

Well, i tried to say this aswell but i always feel it always comes off looking like a complaint.

Lucan, would be awsome as a territory tribe (boss), but something awsome would having them as a race of humans whom could shapeshift aswell.
Dantalion, reminded me of Hellknights only need faces etc.
Volucris, might suit as a guardian of towns in Geona.
Geonan, doesnt suit as a player character at all should be some element monsters.

NOT pushing on you my ideas, just saying what i thought seeing these races.
Also, humanoid looking races like elves, humans, gnomes, dwarfes something atleast resembling humans are needed because some players actually feel that they are creating a virtual self.

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Re: My opinion and sugestions

Postby Joe M. » Wed Sep 09, 2009 11:20 am

Marz, wait until you see the new race models and see what you think then--I suspect they may answer your concern.
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Re: My opinion and sugestions

Postby Karl G. » Wed Sep 09, 2009 5:45 pm

Joe M. wrote:Marz, wait until you see the new race models and see what you think then--I suspect they may answer your concern.

(Just reinforcing what Joe said.)
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Re: My opinion and sugestions

Postby oob » Thu Sep 10, 2009 3:44 pm

It's good to know player queries are been taken on board seriously :)
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Re: My opinion and sugestions

Postby marzuku » Fri Sep 11, 2009 7:23 am

oob wrote:It's good to know player queries are been taken on board seriously :)

shoulda seen the forums before... vandalism and player spraying:D
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Re: My opinion and sugestions

Postby willy nilly » Wed Sep 16, 2009 2:51 am

Fantastic, I didn't look to hard but is there a mouse speed toggle?
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