by Ratiotile » Tue Jul 31, 2007 9:27 am
Except that spin isn't viable in PvP anymore. I liked spin in PvP; it made it interesting for fighters. Nowadays all they have to do is click on enemy and hit med button. I have to disagree with you on the high level PvP. Look on youtube for Xenimus PvP videos. They usually only last a few seconds, and in the fig vs fig and mage vs mage battles there wasn't a lot of manuvering going on. Players just sat there and pounded on each other. In comparison, low level PvP in the old days was fun when there was still vfv and everyone had crap gear. There was much transing and battles could last more than 15 seconds, although fig on fig PvP was still really boring.
I just want there to be skill involved other than hitting med/maxie at the right time. Diversifying spells could help, as could short cooldowns for each spell so that players will switch spells in battle. Right now heal is too powerful at low levels, as it only takes a fraction of the mp to heal back damage from a moonbeam. MP steal is also too good. A paladin need only hit once or twice to replenish his entire stock of MP. Steals need to be de-emphasised. I think that the PvP issue is complicated and needs to be looked at. Other games have cooldowns to present interesting PvP, but Xenimus is about having as little delay as possible, to bring fast-paced PvP. We need to invent a new system here.
Xenimus PvP is compared to CSS: fast-paced, bang-you're dead gameplay. But such a system doesn't work if you also want to punish player deaths. In CS you sit out for the rest of the round if you die; PV wants to be harsher on deaths, and PvP needs to be changed so that death is not too fast and unrewarding of skill. CSS is a worse game than original CS in my opinion. This is because it is far too easy to kill. Noobs can take down the most experienced player with a lucky headshot, a feat that almost never happened in CS 1.5. Specifically, changes were made in the game to promote fast-paced gameplay instead of tactical play. Players now move faster, shoot more accurately while moving, and the head hit-box has been enlarged for more arcade-style headshots. These changes might make the game more popular among a larger crowd, but they have lost the original feel of a game that was supposed to be slower-paced and strategic, not as run-and-gun as other shooters.