by marzuku » Wed Mar 11, 2009 5:07 am
yeah i agree with axel, people expand games while they are being played and Evidyon certainly can afford a crowd of players atm, but the servers wont agree completly with the crowd though axel, and Karl will whip out his wallet if the crowd becomes to big for the server to handle, which is why i sent out about 100-150 mails yesterday to Envolve people who are interested in the alpha, every one is invited to join, myself a lvl 14 Sorcerer owning the most badass monsters ingame, though they tend to 2-3 hit me and respawn icredibly quikly, me and Solomon(joe.M) lost gear equivalent to spirit and vt's just grinding.
Biohazard made a char, Hydraulic is lvling, Zombies(some wierdo) Mm4(Mm3),Solomon, Sparkles!, Grammar nazi, The macgyver will be joining once i show him the new game and Geezmo might try it.
Game is completly playable i find it addictive and pk'ing atm works perfect cause atm there is no such item as a "Magic bag" and some of us are wearing pretty handsome items if i might say.
Trans, Greenbombin(putesco),ignis, Ignis multi, frigilum ignis(Frostbolt), Whirlwind(spin) and more to be added!
You have the chance to play it while its fresh and watch it be upgraded as you lvl, all i can say is apply for alpha check out the screenshots and enjoy.
Mm4 over and out.
Do not wander alone into the forest, there are worse things than monsters to be found