Lets start working another formula.

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Lets start working another formula.

Postby Vitriol » Fri Dec 22, 2006 12:35 am

As of right now we are still working on the XP jump levels. But I think its probably a good idea to begin to think about the standard attack forumla for melee weapons. This will probably be long and complicated. Here are our factors:
Character level
Weapon base damage
additional weapon damage. from special stuff
Weapon type
Character's skills
Magical buffs
any other damage enhancing effects.
small random effect.

I am too tired to start constructing the formula right now. We will work on the other formulas later. (defence. chance to hit. Xp from kill. etc)
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Postby danjr » Fri Dec 22, 2006 7:35 am

Well the old system of damage was based more on level, not stats. I am unsure where you are going with his, but balance should be a huge consideration, as well as a system that eliminates a single build type (I hate carbon copy characters)

Character level - this should adjust damage by one point per

Weapon bases damages - these should have smaller variations, so that a top weapon will not own everyone

Strength - adds one per, plus an additional +1 for bonus structure

Weapon type - not sure the meaning of this, but I'd say any non-trained weapon will be only 4% effective for each point in the skill to a max of 25 points 100%

Character skills - each point of a skill is = 4% of total bonus

Magical buffs - 1 point per buff

level 10 versus level one with a club 1-4 damage
level 1 3-5 damage
level 10 17-20 damage

this would keep things quite close, so that most times a single hit won't kill, as long as the level difference is not too large.
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Postby Vitriol » Fri Dec 22, 2006 9:56 am

uhm, this isnt exactly what Im looking for.
I was trying to come up with the actual formula for calculating damage.
using skills in a% fashion is a good idea though. That way a highly trained character can really dish it out compared to someone who has wasted their skill points.
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Postby Serenity » Mon Dec 25, 2006 9:40 pm

actually make the skill points, add a slight percent but a larger percent hit bonus. say you have swords maxed out you get 75% chance of a hit bonus
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Postby thadiusofx3 » Mon Dec 25, 2006 10:10 pm

I've got a melee damage formula in the works, I'm just tweaking it for balance
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