Just a thought for guilds

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Just a thought for guilds

Postby willy nilly » Tue Nov 10, 2009 7:32 am

I was having a ponder on guilds earlier today and had come to the conclusion that as it stands guilds are great but there really is no incentive to make guilds exclusive. It would be pretty cool if with every new guild member the bonus you got from every geoside would be reduced BUT all members can work the guild (as a whole) bonus's up by sacrificing. The leaders/founder of guilds can see who is pulling their weight. Along with the dragon growing with sacrifices this would really add another dynamic to the game rather then the traditional hunt/gather. Or possibly to create an incentive for the reining guilds to put potions/valts ect on the bazaar and a % of the selling price is put into a guild treasury which could be used to buy additional guild upgrades which would increase geosid protection/guild bonus's ect. Just some ideas and I understand this is an aspect Karl and such probably are not thinking about right now but worth throwing out there.
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Re: Just a thought for guilds

Postby marzuku » Tue Nov 10, 2009 10:25 am

willy nilly wrote:I was having a ponder on guilds earlier today and had come to the conclusion that as it stands guilds are great but there really is no incentive to make guilds exclusive. It would be pretty cool if with every new guild member the bonus you got from every geoside would be reduced BUT all members can work the guild (as a whole) bonus's up by sacrificing. The leaders/founder of guilds can see who is pulling their weight. Along with the dragon growing with sacrifices this would really add another dynamic to the game rather then the traditional hunt/gather. Or possibly to create an incentive for the reining guilds to put potions/valts ect on the bazaar and a % of the selling price is put into a guild treasury which could be used to buy additional guild upgrades which would increase geosid protection/guild bonus's ect. Just some ideas and I understand this is an aspect Karl and such probably are not thinking about right now but worth throwing out there.

yeah well i know how one has made guilds partially exclusive in certain games, raid dungeons with a maximum ammount of players, fighting for several drops dropping at different chances, this game feature makes people/guilds think of themselves and they decide to have an exclusive guild so not any1 can just leech gear from them.
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Re: Just a thought for guilds

Postby Part-Time Modeler » Tue Nov 10, 2009 2:06 pm

Willy, the aspect of doing something more with geonite has been discussed with Karl. I suggested that there be a menu made available by right-clicking on the geosid crystals.
This menu would consist of areas that the geosid could be expanded. There would be an account balance of sacrificed geonite for each category listed below. So that as long as the balance of an account is larger than the expenditures, then items will be upkept, i.e. spawning geosid guards at a geonite price for each.
These areas are:
-Geosid guards, with possibility of spawning multiple and different creatures at a certain cost of geonite
-Defenses, like magic barriers so that guilds have to be mixed with different classes. So that a groups of srocs or adepts cant deal damage over a distance while the warrior is unable to attack and defend his geosid.
-Walls, different sized walls to limit line of sight and increase the mystery of there being anyone in the geosid to guard it.
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Re: Just a thought for guilds

Postby Morn » Tue Nov 10, 2009 2:45 pm

Part-Time Modeler wrote:Willy, the aspect of doing something more with geonite has been discussed with Karl. I suggested that there be a menu made available by right-clicking on the geosid crystals.
This menu would consist of areas that the geosid could be expanded. There would be an account balance of sacrificed geonite for each category listed below. So that as long as the balance of an account is larger than the expenditures, then items will be upkept, i.e. spawning geosid guards at a geonite price for each.
These areas are:
-Geosid guards, with possibility of spawning multiple and different creatures at a certain cost of geonite
-Defenses, like magic barriers so that guilds have to be mixed with different classes. So that a groups of srocs or adepts cant deal damage over a distance while the warrior is unable to attack and defend his geosid.
-Walls, different sized walls to limit line of sight and increase the mystery of there being anyone in the geosid to guard it.

I think these are neat, but if he does this, he'll need to move the geosids to a bigger playing feild than those little islands. In addition I would think that there would be more geosids in harder to reach areas that have greater rewards, but that is a theory that we will see when the map expands.
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Re: Just a thought for guilds

Postby willy nilly » Tue Nov 10, 2009 3:56 pm

Just showing my player support in such ideas in case the topic arises in development conversations again.
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Re: Just a thought for guilds

Postby Part-Time Modeler » Tue Nov 10, 2009 4:09 pm

There will be more geosids. The map size right now is nothing compared to the real map Karl has planned.
There are better rewarding geosids that will be implemented. Karl was thinking of an epic weapon spawning geosid.
This kind of geosid would require a high amount of geonite to conjure the epic weapon spawn. This geonite number has
not been decided yet.

I do not know the number of geosids that Karl has on the designed map for the full release. I have not zoomed in far enough to
see the geosid map placements, the map is huge.
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Re: Just a thought for guilds

Postby Glorfindelus » Tue Nov 10, 2009 7:32 pm

I won't quote everything said here because it'd take too much room lol. Sounds exciting. :)
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Re: Just a thought for guilds

Postby ven » Sat Nov 28, 2009 1:04 am

Epic Weapon Geosid sounds glorious.
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