How many classes are there?
Are there magic bags yet?
How many items do we lose when we die?
Are there Lsa's?
Well i think we should implement lsa's for the purpouse of old xen not dying instantly losing gear and being able to call for help in your guild/link(and talking to your victim and torturing him!

And implement Magic bags so you dont loose your character traits whom you have grinded with for a while is just smart(so people dont go all nutts each time they die).
Suggest we of course re name them, Emerald pendant(green cause i think its the colour of life) Warlock's/Wizard's Pouch(Wizard's/warlock's are considered sneaky and smart)
Also, if it is possible maybe release another class? this because you might be able to do some bug testing on it before beta release, and the testers might find it extra exiting since we all have played awhile now and have hit high lvls and are looking for new monsters/classes to play with.
Also get some item's fixxed which dont have right stats implemented into them.
Example on items.
Crown of Talon, has no defence.
Spirit dragon axe, no stats just damage.
Bone gauntlets, blank.
And there's probably more out there, so players who know of items just post them or something.