[Important] Portal Debate!!

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Re: [Important] Portal Debate!!

Postby joeafro » Tue Oct 14, 2008 9:34 pm

what sankt pauli said i think was a good idea, but it seems a lot like diablo >.>

honestly i think there should be 2 different port systems, one to have like 5 ports that you can use to go anywhere, and then another that lets you "mark" 3 different safe squares, like say, different towns sell different items, you know?
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Re: [Important] Portal Debate!!

Postby Richard. UK » Mon Oct 27, 2008 9:08 am

Can I float a little Idea out there to spark peoples brains maybe?

Level Requirement Protals?, level 50 Mage casts a portal or something, level40 fighter tries to jump in steal mark. "NO SIR!" you must be level 50 or above to enter this portal.
This might iradicate higher levels port pking people, but the only way to get lower levels through these higher level protals is through a guild group, link or party, or such. Just a little one to pick the brains?

Richard :P
Karl G. wrote:Xenimus: not enough items, world isn't big enough, boring to level and the new spell system isn't as much fun as the old one.

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Re: [Important] Portal Debate!!

Postby Sankt Pauli » Fri Oct 31, 2008 7:00 am

The idea is not bad, it aims at the "skipping content" part. But it would also mean that newbies can't porthop others but their ports can be hopped by every higher level, which seems a bit unfair at a first glance to me.
I think instead of ports having level-requirements the areas themselves should have level-requirements. So if you're level1 and jump a port to a lvl12+ area you cannot enter. That way you don't really skip content, because when you're able to enter the lvl12+ area port you technically experienced the lvl1-12 content (even if you only killed twisted crawlers - you reached lvl12 therefore "technically" mastered the 1-12 content).
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Re: [Important] Portal Debate!!

Postby deathstalker » Sat Nov 01, 2008 8:05 pm

well i can see that there is alot of ideas here about this.
i personally liked the way that diablo portal system worked.
the problem with xenimus port is you have to hit stop action
to stop it and also that if you port everybody around can follow it.
so if you could come up with a way that maybe when someone
ports to a mark or an area that either their port closes or noone
could enter their port for like 10 seconds or something.
but whatever is decided on this issue is fine with me.
i just hope it isnt like wows is i really dont like theirs alot.
i also think that it should be level requirements for
certain areas. any how good luck everyone
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