LEXIC wrote:Same thing happened to my Warrior but in this case it was with the Agility stat.
I leveled and raised Agility by 1 and my base HP went down like 10 points lol.
Not sure why this is happening, but my hunch is that you have a base HP item on and it isn't being re-applied after you level up. Can you try to confirm this?
Joelshup wrote::!: Leaping over a pit still doesn't let you continue to leap. I died 15k penalty.
Ironically enough, fixing the spin bug (the one that prevented you from changing direction while casting whirlwind) broke leaping. Thanks, I have added a fix for this!
Morn wrote::!:The specs for Spectral throwing knives are less than lightning, yet it's a higher lvl item, this didn't seem intentional with your current system
Joelshup wrote: 
Could it be possible for loot to not be so random please. I mean it's fine in the beginning levels, but since I am 25 and fighting tougher mobs to get exp I would expect that the loot they drop should be earth or above or at least fire and above. I find it kind of hard to imagine that someone already has found a level 30 item when they themselves are in the level 20 - 25 range or around there and grinding xp in those areas. I would like to see loot that makes sense.
What you suggest is what we planned--but think about it from our perspective. We have no idea how well players are going to be able to fight monsters. I could design a monster, call it level 1 and no level 20 player would be able to kill him. These things are hard to estimate, and I think what we have now is a fairly good balance considering the billions of different player types that can be created.
Joelshup wrote::!: Rage seems to not give enough life steal and takes away too much hp for it to be useful. I would die from the DoT itself, than actually dieing from mobs. It's more useful right now to just use Wrath.
I have been tweaking fury/wrath/wrage and quickness/haste/rancor for a while now. I thought this last edition would be an interesting diversion from "safe" gameplay, but I see that since fig types lack a basic buff that's needed first before we get fancy. In this next update, I'm trying out something new that is a more standard buff. It should also solve the problem of hunters not having enough MP and fighters not doing enough damage.
Ok, that's all for now!