Disappearing items?

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Moderator: Joe M.

Disappearing items?

Postby sandalhat » Tue May 12, 2009 10:48 pm

So like i logged on, bored, and i noticed my defense was a little off, but i didnt worry about it. I started grinding and farming geonite, and when i went back to the sqaure i went to deposit some pots. Then i noticed that my storage looked a bit smaller. Turns out i was missing a boar's tusk mace. Then i checked my inventory to see if i accidentally withdrew it, and i noticed that a bronze ring and aurelian gloves were gone. Any ideas?
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Re: Disappearing items?

Postby marzuku » Wed May 13, 2009 5:27 am

the magnificant dust bunny did it! :twisted:
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