There is a BUNCH of stuff in this update:
- Alt+tab in fullscreen should work
- To access keys/stats/inventory, move your mouse cursor into the TOP LEFT corner. A menu will pop up and you can pick various options from there.
- All classes now get all spells. Adepts, however, have no spells. I'd like you all to start testing the mp cost and such of spells to see how effective they are to use.
- Two new monster types (trolls!)
- Monsters can now have equipped items, so I can add a lot more variation in monsters in the future
- New Aurelian gear!
- Adjusted spawn rates--monster spawn should be much more consistent. It might actually be a little high, but tell me what you think
- The whole world has been darkened and the contrast increased. It looks a lot more foreboding.
- There are 4 camera modes: "classic" (the default), "static 3D", "rotating 3D", "chase-cam 3D"
- Enchantments now work!!! There are currently only two, but that's because I'm holding off on more until 1.11 when I do a full content update. These might be buggy, so please test them ruthlessly in combination with other abilities.
- magnus exterude - somewhat like the blue egg from xenimus. gives you brief protection.
- mutatio nimbus - cloud form!
- More action sounds
- The safe square should work exactly now--if you're off, you're off. Players on the square cannot damage or be damaged.
- Geosids have gone away for now.
- ESC closes inventory/stat/key screens
- Misc. speed fixes
- Transparent things should render more quickly
There's probably more.