Quiet Progress Report

Hello everyone! We're still hard at work, and although things aren't quite as active around here it isn't due to lack of development progress--Evidyon is approaching beta quickly, and I wanted to give you a bit of information on what's happening.
First, we've solved the portals problem, and our solution is based on a system even MORE free than Xenimus's! We will allow any location to be marked, and portals to be created to anywhere from anywhere. Each character can have 10 marks spread throughout the world.
I am working toward a release featuring a brand new map created with the new editor. There is so much that has to be changed simultaneously between now and then, though, that the normal flow of updates has been interrupted. Once the next update is released you can expect things to pick up very quickly.
I'll post more screenshots and such as soon as I can.
First, we've solved the portals problem, and our solution is based on a system even MORE free than Xenimus's! We will allow any location to be marked, and portals to be created to anywhere from anywhere. Each character can have 10 marks spread throughout the world.
I am working toward a release featuring a brand new map created with the new editor. There is so much that has to be changed simultaneously between now and then, though, that the normal flow of updates has been interrupted. Once the next update is released you can expect things to pick up very quickly.
I'll post more screenshots and such as soon as I can.