Really Quick IDeas...

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Moderator: Joe M.

Really Quick IDeas...

Postby Forlorn » Tue May 05, 2009 4:59 pm

I just tried the game today and I love it I am already lvl 12...
1) I keep loosing stuff because items dissapear so fast
2) I feel like im stuck on the island
3) I feel like if the right amount of work was put into this it could exceed xenimus...
4) take a week off of work and add more content I want to explore and I feel like its very very limited
5) amazing job thanks
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Joined: Mon May 04, 2009 8:46 pm

Re: Really Quick IDeas...

Postby Joe M. » Tue May 05, 2009 5:04 pm

1) I keep loosing stuff because items dissapear so fast

Added to the bug/issue list. We'll be talking about how quickly we can fix this.
2) I feel like im stuck on the island

The map is fairly small right now, yes.
3) I feel like if the right amount of work was put into this it could exceed xenimus...

Thanks! We're going to be doing our best.
4) take a week off of work and add more content I want to explore and I feel like its very very limited

Karl will be working full-time on Evidyon for the next couple months, starting next week.
5) amazing job thanks

Glad to have you playing. Things are only going to get better from here.
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Re: Really Quick IDeas...

Postby Karl G. » Wed May 06, 2009 6:11 am

Thanks for your support! We're really excited about this project.

I'm rolling right into the last few days of class here, and next Monday kicks off Evidyon for this summer. During the school year, I have trouble committing more than 10-15 hours / week on Evidyon because of classes--but you can see how far we've come in spite of that. Stick with us while we revive old-school Xen, and then some!
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