Here is a list of the bugs that I have brought to Karl's attention.
-One occasion, the ground dissapeared after i spawned. Pics;




-Some weapons appear to be too large. Pic,

-The dual wield position needs adjusted. Pic,

-Characters can walk along the bank sunken into the ground, but not yet in water. Banks of water need to be set to land. Pics;


-Monster travel abilities. I had a bog monster attack me from the water, but a twisted crawler was in his line of sight, so the bog monsters attacks hit the twisted crawler, once the twisted crawler died, the bog monster was able to attack me from his stuck position in the water when I was still in the middle of an island. Some monsters should not be able to travel through water, with the exception of the bog monster, he is used to bogs and wet locations anyways. Pic;
-The Hounds sometimes appear really large above the player. Pic,

-Um, yeah, I do not know how to explain this one. When at the Southern end of the map from the water, heading east through the trees, something bugs out on me (this has happened 2 times.) The game glitches and I stay heading in one direction (east) without any player input, the character then starts to sink in the ground and when at the eastern edge of the map, the character is teleported back to the spawn point, but I still have all my gear, so I know I did not die. Also the bog monster is spawning large at first and, is the bog monster really supposed to be red? (You may have to manually click to the end if the video does not show the end with the character appearing back at the geosids. Also, a good portion of the lag is from my computer not wanting to run 2 things at once, i.e. fraps and Evidyon.)
Video of GlitchI will Update when more are found.