Pre-Pre-Beta Bug Thread

There are a fair number of bugs in the game right now. Karl is working to fix them all quickly, since we can't move ahead from this very limited stage of the game until we've established a stable foundation upon which to build. So most of these bugs will (hopefully) disappear so fast it's almost not even worth it, but:
Use this thread to report bugs. I will try my best to keep an updated list of bugs here in the main post. I'll update about once a day. As a bug is fixed, I'll cross it off and move it to the bottom of the post. Please be clear and concise in your description of the bug, so that Karl knows what to look for when he's trying to hunt it down and kill it: the more relevant information you can provide (e.g., what you were doing when you experienced the bug, the *exact* behavior of the bug--the game crashed?, it crashed in what way?, &c), the quicker Karl can fix it.
If this thread becomes overloaded, I'll clean it up so that we can all stay on the same page. If the bug forum is unlocked, I'll move it over there.
Use this thread to report bugs. I will try my best to keep an updated list of bugs here in the main post. I'll update about once a day. As a bug is fixed, I'll cross it off and move it to the bottom of the post. Please be clear and concise in your description of the bug, so that Karl knows what to look for when he's trying to hunt it down and kill it: the more relevant information you can provide (e.g., what you were doing when you experienced the bug, the *exact* behavior of the bug--the game crashed?, it crashed in what way?, &c), the quicker Karl can fix it.
If this thread becomes overloaded, I'll clean it up so that we can all stay on the same page. If the bug forum is unlocked, I'll move it over there.