A new Xenimus 2D clone

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A new Xenimus 2D clone

Postby DFA » Sat Jul 18, 2009 10:49 am

I've played xenimus before, and I liked the features, and the gameplay.

In 2006 i worked with the game engine known as Eclipse, and started developing a game, and implemented some xenimus features
here are screenshots of the game - http://echostorms.net/upload/echostorms ... shots1.jpg

in the bottom left corner of the screen, you can see xenimus buffs.

Here are some xenimus features already coded into the game

- Good/Evil factions
- Town square/safe spots
- Mana/Health pool
- Maximus Effect
- Reditus Effect
- position marking
- player banking
- Magic bag and item dropping
- F12 to resurrect
- 6 Ring slots
- Exp sharing link system

and i did a few spells, i wasnt exactly sure if they are all completely accurate since this was done a long time ago and I didn't know much about the game

Strength buff - improves damage.
Speed buff - improves player movement speed and attack speed.
Armor buff - improves protection.
Group Protection - improves protection for all players around casting including caster.
Reflect damage - returns damage to attacker.
night vision - ability to see at night time with no vision/sight limitations.
Sense alignment - for factions, spell allows you to sense another player's alignment.
Dispell - remove buffs from target.
Transport - Allows player to teleport anywhere on the map (need to limit range) by holding shift and right clicking on the destination.

This Xenimus Clone was named Echostorms Online, the game went offline permanently in Dec. 2006.

I've come to this forum to see if you guys thought it would be a good idea to continue this project on a new vastly improved Direct3D engine.
I would like 2D graphics, and help with game mechanics and testing of course.

here you can see some old screenshots of the game engine, i do not own any of the graphics used.

9sam1 has done a similar project, but i do not think it used Direct3D or featured a particle engine or anything, and apparently has given up on it.

This project will be of great quality, and will highly replicate xenimus as best as possible.
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Re: A new Xenimus 2D clone

Postby marzuku » Wed Jul 22, 2009 9:00 am

dude, that game looked awsome, with some minor tweaks im sure it could be overcrowded! but theres only SO much one can do with 2d when it comes to awsome looks etc and shiny wepons which people want.

im wondering about the pvp system though how does that work?
have you seen little fighters? if the pvp system looked something like that, it would be kinda awsome.

imagine the possibilities if you guys grouped up and created a game site true to old school rpgs? you could actually earn som cash without having to sell out like those other b!tcha$$ game developers :)
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Re: A new Xenimus 2D clone

Postby Rabit561 » Wed Jul 22, 2009 9:48 am

Has a very distinctive look to Graal.. lol

Not much into the whole 2d look (Haven't been since like 1994)

But good job on the work..
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Re: A new Xenimus 2D clone

Postby DFA » Wed Jul 22, 2009 1:27 pm

nothing too exciting going on...just coding...

i will try to make it as close as possible to modern xenimus
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Re: A new Xenimus 2D clone

Postby marzuku » Wed Jul 22, 2009 4:08 pm

DFA wrote:nothing too exciting going on...just coding...

i will try to make it as close as possible to modern xenimus

Count me in for testing :) always had a heart for certain 2D games. Lost vikings etc
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Re: A new Xenimus 2D clone

Postby Karl G. » Wed Jul 22, 2009 7:45 pm

If you're looking for a really good 2d source, try http://www.toolkitzone.com/

I loved RPG toolkit back in the day.
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Re: A new Xenimus 2D clone

Postby daekighn » Tue Aug 11, 2009 9:28 am

Looks fun, but i love sams version, he coded the pictures of the items into the 2d game creator and made lava imps/daemon animus/adepts/masters/wizards/trolls/rouges/imps/bugs and quests!

Xenimus 2d was the best game ever until he just completely stopped working on it, that was a sad ... sad day for me =(
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