Ender wrote:Well I wanted to get this done before I went to bed, so here is the official v.-1 release. Just so you know I worked on the background for hours

Its a 1.1mb .exe, so if your're worried wait until someone scans it. Just make sure you correctly enter your account number and secret word when it asks for it.
new link as of 12:36am board time: chorus and reverb were bugged, fixed that.
the link:
http://rapidshare.com/files/8616126/3x_OSC.exe.html (and if you couldn't tell...I was joking about the account number)
a few things:
1) No install required. When you start it up, 2 .dat files will be made wherever the .exe is.
If you start it up and there is no sound, make sure you are on preset 1 (top left corner). I haven't touched the settings for 2-5, so they were randomly generated and sound like klingon. Overwrite these with something good ASAP for your sanity.
3) The oscillators (OSC) are what generate the sound. Each has seperate octave and pitch adjustment controls. These are relative to whatever note you enter (either by left/right clicking on the onscreen piano (right click holds note), or using your keyboard. (middle C = Q if I remember right). The type of wave (Sine/Saw/Triangle) dictate what harmonics you are hearing, but I'll save you the theory lesson.
4) A S D R = Attack, Sustain, Decay, and Release. These are the four factors that determine how a given sound behaves.
5) The filter has its own A S D R control that dictates how frequencies effected by the filter behave. (example: if you set up a high pass filter, by editing these you could have the bass boom and then have nothing, have a gentle die out, no bass etc.). Pay attention to your cutoff frequency when your messing with this.
And finally:
This program was made using Outsim's Synthmaker. You can add your own code and functions to whatever you do, but for this one I didn't, which is why I don't have any source code for you all to look at. I'd encourage everybody to check the 30 day trial for this sweet program out. (or just get your pirate on). Some knowledge about MIDI and Electronics helps a lot, but you can still create stuff without it....it'll just be more of a surprise why it sounds the way it does.