The other thread is piling up and is getting difficult to read. I'm going to try and keep this one updated and informative. I tried to find all the gliches not responded to or fixed yet. If I missed anything please post so I can update.
If you would like to post more information about a specific glich or bug you can click on the original Reporter's name, and update the original thread.Gliches
Warriors lose HP when increasing important stats. Reported
here.Reported by Ven- @ lvl 15 had 452 HP @lvl 16 +1 con 451 HP
Reported by LEXIC- @ +1 Agil lost 10 HP

Karl's Theory is that HP adjusting gear is not being recalculated. If you experience this problem, try removing your gear and putting it back on. Reguardless of wether or not this fixes the problem please post the results.

Client Crashing

If you have frequent crashing in specific areas please post here so Karl can look for similarities.

Client Crashing is when the server is still running but your computer stops running the game. It can sometimes be cause by your own hardware and if no one else is experiencing Client Crashes (read around here to find out) you may be running too many programs at once.

Server Crashing

If the server crashes and you are the first to the forum please update one of the server crash threads so that Karl can get it up and running.

Lightning Orb and a Holy wand equiped. These two items and the base mp regen of the character should add up to be +137 regen. However in the display, it shows "+-119". However, judging from the mp bar, I would say it actually is recharging at a rate of +137, so it must be just a display problem in the stats screen. Reported by
Multiple Adepts (Possibly includes Sorcerer's too) using magic can freeze gameplay. Reported by
Part-time Modeler
I'm not sure if you fixed this in 3.7 hasn't been said for certain. If Karl could confirm?

Experience/Kill changes drastically when in a party. Reported by
Maybe intentional to encourage parties?
Fixed and UpdatedThis list will be cleared after major updates. If you have reason to believe something doesn't belong on the fixed and updated list please post.

Magic attacks are imbalanced to meelee attacks. Reported Often

Once meelee attacks are asuridly where the team wants them, magic will be adjusted based on meelee. Confirmed by Erich.

When Whirlwind collides with another object in game, it stops the animation, causing a 2-3 second delay in the next attack or spell. Reported by Joelshup
Do not mold yourself to society. Give your name and serial number and stand strong, and society will undoubtedly mold to you. Ask not if there is anything outside that you want. Ask if there is anything inside that you have yet to unpack.