for example.
Chest A - 75 Silver
<> Player 3 loots 75 Silver.
<> Chest (in state of unlootable).
<> Player 1 level 10, Dies in the world (Drop 21 Silver to server).
<> Player 2 level 20, Dies in the world (Drop 56 Silver to server).
<> Chest A (Requires 75 Silver from server).
<> Chest A Restarts.
Chest B - 1 Golden Coin
<> Player 3 loots 1 Golden Coin.
<> Chest B (in state of unlootable).
<> Player 1 level 30, Dies in the world (Drop 60 Silver to server).
<> Player 2 level 40, Dies in the world (Drop 60 Silver to server).
<> Chest B (Requires 1 Golden Coin from server).
<> Chest B Restarts.
Chest C - 20 Silver
<> Player 3 loots 20 Silver.
<> Chest C (in state of unlootable).
<> Chest D (Requires 20 Silver from server).
<> Chest D Restarts. (Using Excess from Chest B example.)
*** Obviously this wouldn't be the same chest that respawned right after being looted, it would go to a different chest requiring 20 Silver ***
Notice that levels incur different values of currency?, I mean 30 + I have as 60Silver per death, but obviously these are ammendible values so there are not definate systematic figures.
Do you think this way money will be a reusable source? people wont become too wealthy from this method?, I mean it depends on how many chests are scattered accross the huge map, but the chances of standing by a chest and waiting for people to die for the server to restart the chest is very limited.
These losses of gold should really only accur when dieing from a monster do you think?, not during PVP or PKing.
I would really like to know your thoughs on this please?
Thanks to kuba for making me realize the actual thread it was posted in hehe!
