I have a level 9 genii adept (which reminds me, stats screen doesn't show your class.) This character was created in 1.09 or 1.08 I think. back when you were still accepting alpha testers. so here might be some info on how your adjustments affected this particular character since then;
it's stats are (were)
|My paladin|don't know old hp/mp
Level: 9 |level 15 - |
494hp/56mp |
(232)/122 hp |30str, 17agi, 22cons, 10wis, 10int |
(242)/154 mp
str agi cons wis int
13 10 18 23 15
...........the running non stop thing still happens too which is annoying

I also think the speed and strength of heal spells (and maybe all elements) be based on character level and or healing power.
respawn command will be used/abused frequently. (maybe remove or add a 1 hour wait to it when released)
you can now wear a chest-piece of armor on your arm as a shield(forgot which item)
I have to go to sleeeeeeeeeeeeep argh, I tried. later.