dieng...and stuff

Old stuff, just for reference

Moderator: Joe M.

dieng...and stuff

Postby prehistoric » Thu Nov 27, 2008 9:33 pm

I'm sure it's mentioned, but after dieng and not moving, my character moves from standing to lying down in one swift rocking motion almost like a pendulum, and it doesn't stop until I click....very trippy but un -intentional I'm sure. uhh. oh yeah, I have a perfect example of how your character altering went.

I have a level 9 genii adept (which reminds me, stats screen doesn't show your class.) This character was created in 1.09 or 1.08 I think. back when you were still accepting alpha testers. so here might be some info on how your adjustments affected this particular character since then;

it's stats are (were)
|My paladin|don't know old hp/mp
Level: 9 |level 15 - |
494hp/56mp |
(232)/122 hp |30str, 17agi, 22cons, 10wis, 10int |
(242)/154 mp

str agi cons wis int
13 10 18 23 15

...........the running non stop thing still happens too which is annoying :) hmm...auto attack is nice...game is too easy to exit, can be a problem... the letter"A" on a keyboard makes you repeat last chat line, which makes you a spammer. there were 2 people on, and both kept making this mistake constantly, including myself. shields don't drop from monsters. no lsas or bags.

I also think the speed and strength of heal spells (and maybe all elements) be based on character level and or healing power.
respawn command will be used/abused frequently. (maybe remove or add a 1 hour wait to it when released)
you can now wear a chest-piece of armor on your arm as a shield(forgot which item)
I have to go to sleeeeeeeeeeeeep argh, I tried. later.

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Joined: Wed Sep 10, 2008 4:04 pm

Re: dieng...and stuff

Postby prehistoric » Fri Nov 28, 2008 5:49 am

it's stats are (were) .
Level: 9 .
(232)/122 hp .
(242)/154 mp .
str agi cons wis int .
13 10 18 23 15 .

hope this fixed it...............

this is my paladin, created at the same time as the previous character.....dont know preious stats tho, just using for comparison;

|My paladin|don't know old hp/mp
|level 15 |
494hp/56mp |
|30str, 17agi, 22cons, 10wis, 10int |

hope it helps....peaz...

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Re: dieng...and stuff

Postby Karl G. » Fri Nov 28, 2008 8:13 am

Hey prehistoric,

Thanks for your input! I've read over it and have the following comments:

- With the current magic system, it is very difficult to have spells increase in power with higher level. This is fixed with the new system :)
- I am planning on completely revamping the stat screen with the next update (but please remind me if I forget!). If you have an idea for how it should look & what it should include, feel free to draw something up in Paint and show me.
- running non-stop is fixed with next update
- auto attack will be improved
- I saw your messages in the server's text log :P 100 lines of "" lol. The say-again key can be configured in the settings dialog.
- I know about the armor-as-shield bug (thanks tho)
- Respawn command will be removed for Beta--it's just for testing during alpha.
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Re: dieng...and stuff

Postby prehistoric » Fri Nov 28, 2008 10:18 am

1.) did you read all those lines where I was talking to you, assuming youd read the logs? lol....kinda cool.

2.) here's the idea I had for the spells.... I was looking into formulae like this... (5+self.int/50+self.wis/25) or (5+(200/50+100/25)) = 13 if you based shield spells off of this, it would gradually increase like I was saying, you can also base those formulae on the elemental powers of the caster...or all....but I hope that gives a general idea of my concept. that way, if you were god with 50,000 wis, you could cast a protect spell on us and we would get un godly aweesome boostage. whereas, the same spell casted by a mortal, would get balanced benefits. this would also enable the players to focus more into certain types.

sorry forthe inability to elaborate, I just got back from the bar im staying at a hotel partieng in the city with family for turkey day. burrrrp. it's good to know youre way ahead of me on those other subjects... once again.....great work karl.

-always playing/testing/learning/watching/pking

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