Comments/Constructive Criticism please.
Moderator: Karl G.
LEXIC wrote:My only chance to kill him is to surprise attack him. If we pvped, he transes and kills me in 2-3 beams easily because I even get a hit on him.
Morn wrote:Thus the importance of constitution, you can stand and deal more hits, and agility to do more damage. I don't have this problem with pvp on my balanced adept with high int. No wisdom.
Morn wrote:Fixed it, and yes it does, it's called DPS.
Morn wrote:damnit rewrote it to be less rude and more informative, and you already replied, lol.
Morn wrote:One thing that I think you are failing to realize is that a lot of the points being dedicated to int are hardly doing anything, (remember every point has less of an effect than the one before it, though the steepness of the reduction is reduced as you gain higher levels). Corsix and I hit in the same range of dmg even though he is 5-7 levels higher than I am and wearing better weapons, but he is able to do more damage per second because he hits about three times to my one, probably more (I wasn't counting)
When I (finally) added 1 point to my agility at level 26, It made an instantaneously noticable increase to my dps. WIthout having taken time to do the measurements, I'd estimate 15-20 percent, whereas I'd estimate the difference made by increasing strength from 34-35 to be less than 2%. That is a 700% or more difference in DPS increase.
marzuku wrote:so i hope karl shut you guys down soon.
Dagger wepons are to fast compared to normal dualwielding wepons, an example is when i tested damage next to corsix and he did like 4 strikes of 180 damage against my two 200-240 at the same ammount of time, if you do the math his attacks do about 80% more damage than mine will.
Me and Corsix have about the same stats because when i wear fast weps i seem to catch up and might even be faster.
37str 27 agil 20 cons
Mages who complain that melee are faster than them dont realize that their agility scaling is f*cked up, they dont even use agility atm Karl so i think its only fair that you fix it and they start doing 1 beam an hour with their 10 agility and 40+ intel(time lapse exaggerated)
it would probably feel the same way as warriors had it WITH agility for like 2-3 weeks before karl fixed our scaling.
You should not complain about melee being fast when you dont even spend stat points on speed, AS I REMEMBER Agility is Equilibrium for all classes, but the scaling is different, but you mages have been able to put all stats on intel, so i hope karl shut you guys down soon.
Glorfindelus wrote:marzuku wrote:THINGS THAT SHOULD EVEN OUT PVP BALANCE
Dagger wepons are to fast compared to normal dualwielding wepons, an example is when i tested damage next to corsix and he did like 4 strikes of 180 damage against my two 200-240 at the same ammount of time, if you do the math his attacks do about 80% more damage than mine will.
Me and Corsix have about the same stats because when i wear fast weps i seem to catch up and might even be faster.
37str 27 agil 20 cons
Mages who complain that melee are faster than them dont realize that their agility scaling is f*cked up, they dont even use agility atm Karl so i think its only fair that you fix it and they start doing 1 beam an hour with their 10 agility and 40+ intel(time lapse exaggerated)
it would probably feel the same way as warriors had it WITH agility for like 2-3 weeks before karl fixed our scaling.
You should not complain about melee being fast when you dont even spend stat points on speed, AS I REMEMBER Agility is Equilibrium for all classes, but the scaling is different, but you mages have been able to put all stats on intel, so i hope karl shut you guys down soon.
You're completely ignoring what I said earlier about how we have to add that much to intel to get anywhere near enough damage to hurt you guys decently... Nerfing agi on mages will just make things worse, not better. It's the warriors that are overpowered, why are we nerfing mages!?
marzuku wrote:if you could beam as fast as i could spin/hit, would you complain? besides mages are supoused to have larger damage pool than melee because melee has a larger survivability pool
Glorfindelus wrote:marzuku wrote:if you could beam as fast as i could spin/hit, would you complain? besides mages are supoused to have larger damage pool than melee because melee has a larger survivability pool
That's what I've been saying... right now mages DONT have a larger damage pool as they should/warriors do to much, one or the other has to change...
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