More Ballancing

I was playing with Corsix today, we tried some more pvp. He is level 30, wouldn't give his secret stat recipe. I'm level 35 307 armor and 629 hp (I was wearing a spectral shield). With spectral kopeshes he could kill me in under 2 seconds. Now you might think this is normal for such a fast paced game such as Evidyon or Xenimus, but I'm a mage with a large amount of intelligence. Correct me if I'm wrong, one of the perks for going with less hp is getting more damage. I didn't feel the fight was fair because In those two seconds I might get 2 or 3 beams in, each doing 200ish damage (as corsix said). If he is constantly hitting me, then he is always getting his hp back, WHILE ATTACKING. All I can do is run and maybe beam him every few transes, also due to the fact that healing costs 1/3rd of my mp and beam costs 1/4-1/5 mp (waiting for it to regen is out of the question, I must use blue potions) So: while transing, using blue potions, using red potions, I have very little time to hit my hotkey and target with my beam. And if he's attack running after every trans and is constantly hitting me, 200 dmg every once in a while just get immidiatly stolen back. I would've liked to get a video of this and would have posted, but when I got back on from downloading fraps Corsix was gone, I'll edit post and add a.s.a.p. My suggestion is either lower lifestealing, or lower spell/potion cooldown, or lower warrior dps. I'd like to say this isn't a bias post: as I have a level 23 warrior, who when he was lvl 21 could take down mages that were 30+.
Comments/Constructive Criticism please.

Comments/Constructive Criticism please.