Graphical Inventory idea

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Graphical Inventory idea

Postby Draco » Mon Oct 13, 2008 1:05 pm

For the items in the inventory... having items show up as just words at first rather than images is something I'd like to keep... I liked Xen's old inventory rather than the new.

Here's the idea:

When you click or right-click on an item's name from your inventory, the item's model can be displayed in a box on the side of the inventory, slowly spinning to all directions so players can see the item up close in real perspective. (optional to hide the item display box from options menu)

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Also... I was thinking about this but it could really be done without and probably nobody would complain:
having small icons at the beginnings of each item to show what kind of item that is... (Hide item icons optional from the options screen)?

This is used in just a few games, but one can probably recall this system used in Final Fantasy 4 (2 in USA)

Weapons: sword icon
Armors: little armor icon (could be used for helms, shields and armors & such)
Rings: ring icon
Amulets/bags/stuff: Amulet icon
Consumable items: a little bag icon

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What do you guys think of the first idea?
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Re: Graphical Inventory idea

Postby Cagen » Mon Oct 13, 2008 4:12 pm

I do quite like the vertical listing of items as it is now and how Xen's inventory was but for people who like form over function having a graphical representation of the item without having to put it on your character is much better. Also the icon next to the item idea is great, being able to quickly identify an item (especially something with an obscure name) is a great help in sorting through your inventory.
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Re: Graphical Inventory idea

Postby Draco » Tue Oct 14, 2008 12:19 pm

Yeah I tried to come up with something best I can to fit both likings of the system.

Having the name and function of the name is something I like, but I know others like being able to see the items without equipping them... so why not when you hover your mouse over, or right-click the item, it will show a rotating model of the item and the item stats?

This is used in many good games... some of them were some really good limited-release Tri-Ace/Square Enix games.
Some of those games are being re-released on PSP around the new year.
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