Memory Address

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Moderator: Karl G.

Memory Address

Postby 9sam1 » Fri Jul 06, 2007 2:30 pm

Does anyone here know how to find memory address's? I need them to get the Hgooey Xendll working but i dont know how to find them :(
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Postby Karl G. » Fri Jul 06, 2007 5:42 pm

Ugh, finding memory addresses is not fun. Usually it goes something like this:

take a snapshot of a program's memory block with some sort of utility when you KNOW the value of you're looking for
examine the memory snapshot with a hex editor to find all instances of that value and write them down
go back into the program, take another snapshot when you know what you're looking for, but its value is different
examine the memory addresses you wrote down to see which ones match the new value
repeat until there's only 1 left

Not much fun :/
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Karl G.
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