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Port scroll system sucks...

PostPosted: Mon Oct 26, 2009 7:38 am
by marzuku
im just saying it sucks.

if i dont have a guild i dont get port scrolls, if i lose gear i cant get back to it unless some one gives me or i find it in bazaar wich nobody does because nobody buys from bazaar, the merch should sell these on a regular basis.

Try finding one good point about this system:

betting this will pop up "players will set up the economy" what if 1 guild decides to not share? then bye bye to all melee characters because they wont have a chance in hell to get porters, this makes every melee a fail if he doesnt have caster friends.. kk thnx bb

Besides, a caster can already fast port clear marks if he wants, a melee character has to use drops for this... quiiiiite imbalanced since porters cant be gotten anywhere but guild geosid.

Re: Port scroll system sucks...

PostPosted: Mon Oct 26, 2009 9:17 am
by Morn
That should encourage your guild to get control of the geosid. Most mages give port scrolls freely. And the lack of economic encouragement has been mentioned, Karl has an idea and it will probably, like everything else, take time to implement it.

Re: Port scroll system sucks...

PostPosted: Mon Oct 26, 2009 9:19 am
by marzuku
Morn wrote:That should encourage your guild to get control of the geosid. Most mages give port scrolls freely. And the lack of economic encouragement has been mentioned, Karl has an idea and it will probably, like everything else, take time to implement it.

yeah yeah.. encourage me to go against super high lvls whom grinded valks before karl decided to decrease their droprate and he forgot 2 delete the storage they had afterwards, hence supergear on requirement lvl on these guys.

Re: Port scroll system sucks...

PostPosted: Mon Oct 26, 2009 11:46 am
by Joe M.
Geosids are made to be taken. Nevertheless, we are aware of the problem with the in-game economy right now, and are thinking about how to fix it.