FAQ- For the new board

I've been taking notes for a Frequently Asked Questions page. Below is what I've come up with so far. Any feedback or ideas are welcome.
Frequently Asked Questions
The questions below are a few things you can usually discover in the first few hours of gameplay.
What are Geosids?
What are the crystals in town?
Geosids are for sacrificing gear for rewards. Each geosid gives different kinds of rewards. Drop items within the range of the Geosid to discover the different kinds of rewards. It has been hinted at that the geosids have hidden uses, don't hesitate to experiment or explore.
What should I put my stat points in?
Evidyon is designed so multiple styles of gameplay can be experienced by every class. Just about every stat is valuable to your class in different ways. Do not be afraid to make a few mistakes, the system is very forgiving.
It helps to keep in mind the desirable qualities in a character.
Damage- Usually effected by Strength for base meelee damage or Intelligence for base magic damage
Speed- Usually effected by Agility for base attack/cast speed or Wisdom's effect on spell power for speed buffs.
Endurance Usually effected by Constitution for Hit points and Wisdom for mana points for being able to stay in combat longer
Do not be afraid to create a few character and recreate the first ten levels a few times and experiment. Another suggestion is to take your theoretical build and post it here on the forums to inspire feedback and criticism.
How do I get Mana or Health Potions, Scrolls, LIfe Saving Rings, Specific armour, Weapons, etc?
In the first town there is a consignment merchant where many items are put up for sale by other players. You can always hunt for your weapons and armour by killing monsters. Some items are most commonly recieved from guild controlled geosids. For these items expect competitive prices when guilds are contesting control of the geosids, and expect to pay a premium when a specific guild has monopolized control over that geosid for a period of time. You can always make an offer for an item over the global chat (ex. >Buying a Fiery Rainment for 20K gold) somebody may be willing to hunt down an item for the right price.
How does the Party System work?
Parties allow everyone who witnesses a kill to recieve an increased amount of exp from that kill. Parties are definitely the best way to gain experience and if you follow proper etiquette you can make new alliances and trustworthy company.
Party Commands
p/lead - open a party for new members and begins the party exp share
p/join - joins the closest player character, stand next to a party leader to join exp share
p/leave - leaves your current party, allowing you to join a new one, ends experience share
p/kick - (this might be the wrong or non-existand command, haven't ever had the need to use it) kicks the closest player character from the party
Party Etiquette
Identify the tank. This is the highest armoured member who usually leads into the mobs. Keep this individual in sight, but do not get in their way. They usually are responsible for the largest amount of experience share, and dictate when an area is considered cleared.
Identify the portal mage. Usually the highest level mage in the group or the mage with the best marks. Occasionally two mages sharing mark. Listen to their instructions closely. If they tell you to stand next to the tank after every clearing (the most common request of the mage) DO NOT STRAY FROM THE TANK. If you find yourself getting left behind 2 or 3 times per round of ports, you are seriously disabling the groups ability to quickly gather exp, this is rude to those who are being accomodating to include you in gathering experience at a speed appropriate for someone twice your level (in most cases).
If you are the portal mage. Try not to be the first to enter the portal, they often close right behind you. Try to be clear about where the other players should stand at every map, so that they will automatically go for that spot after clearing. Do not get ahead of the tank unless the area is very safe for you, it sucks to die saving the only mage online with your deathspot marked.
If you are the tank. Don't go too far ahead of the group, and don't hang out in a cleared area. Keep in motion to set a good example for the rest of the party. If you hang out in a cleared area, the party will go ahead of you and take damage you should be taking. If you go too far ahead, nobody else will be able to share experience.
And Finally... Do not try to jump into parties you haven't been invited to, or refuse to hunt without higher level players. Sometimes there are people who are playing who love to help new players, they will shower you with gear and power hunting. Sometimes the only players online are the Player Killers... and the only reason they want you to level up is so they can hunt you down for better gear.
How do Guilds work?
Guilds are groups of 2 to 16 players who can own Geosids. They have their own private chat and gain benefits depending on which geosids are theirs.
Guilds etiquette and policy are determined by the Guild Founder and the Guild Leaders.
Guild Commands
g/create (guildname no parenthesis) - Attempts to create your guild, you must have one other player to join the guild in order to create the guild. The creator gets the title Guild Founder and has the power to promote, invite, and kick players from the guild.
g/join - joins the closest player with an open guild invitation. Membership gives you the right to use guild geosids and to not be attacked by the geosid guardian.
g/promote (character name no parenthesis)- Promotes a character to Leader of the guild. Leaders have the right to invite and kick players from the guild.
g/leave- Leaves the current guild
g/kick- Kicks the closest player from the guild (Might be g/kick (playername) I haven't tested this)
g/invite- Opens guild for new members to join
Frequently Asked Questions
The questions below are a few things you can usually discover in the first few hours of gameplay.
What are Geosids?
What are the crystals in town?
Geosids are for sacrificing gear for rewards. Each geosid gives different kinds of rewards. Drop items within the range of the Geosid to discover the different kinds of rewards. It has been hinted at that the geosids have hidden uses, don't hesitate to experiment or explore.
What should I put my stat points in?
Evidyon is designed so multiple styles of gameplay can be experienced by every class. Just about every stat is valuable to your class in different ways. Do not be afraid to make a few mistakes, the system is very forgiving.
It helps to keep in mind the desirable qualities in a character.
Damage- Usually effected by Strength for base meelee damage or Intelligence for base magic damage
Speed- Usually effected by Agility for base attack/cast speed or Wisdom's effect on spell power for speed buffs.
Endurance Usually effected by Constitution for Hit points and Wisdom for mana points for being able to stay in combat longer
Do not be afraid to create a few character and recreate the first ten levels a few times and experiment. Another suggestion is to take your theoretical build and post it here on the forums to inspire feedback and criticism.
How do I get Mana or Health Potions, Scrolls, LIfe Saving Rings, Specific armour, Weapons, etc?
In the first town there is a consignment merchant where many items are put up for sale by other players. You can always hunt for your weapons and armour by killing monsters. Some items are most commonly recieved from guild controlled geosids. For these items expect competitive prices when guilds are contesting control of the geosids, and expect to pay a premium when a specific guild has monopolized control over that geosid for a period of time. You can always make an offer for an item over the global chat (ex. >Buying a Fiery Rainment for 20K gold) somebody may be willing to hunt down an item for the right price.
How does the Party System work?
Parties allow everyone who witnesses a kill to recieve an increased amount of exp from that kill. Parties are definitely the best way to gain experience and if you follow proper etiquette you can make new alliances and trustworthy company.
Party Commands
p/lead - open a party for new members and begins the party exp share
p/join - joins the closest player character, stand next to a party leader to join exp share
p/leave - leaves your current party, allowing you to join a new one, ends experience share
p/kick - (this might be the wrong or non-existand command, haven't ever had the need to use it) kicks the closest player character from the party
Party Etiquette
Identify the tank. This is the highest armoured member who usually leads into the mobs. Keep this individual in sight, but do not get in their way. They usually are responsible for the largest amount of experience share, and dictate when an area is considered cleared.
Identify the portal mage. Usually the highest level mage in the group or the mage with the best marks. Occasionally two mages sharing mark. Listen to their instructions closely. If they tell you to stand next to the tank after every clearing (the most common request of the mage) DO NOT STRAY FROM THE TANK. If you find yourself getting left behind 2 or 3 times per round of ports, you are seriously disabling the groups ability to quickly gather exp, this is rude to those who are being accomodating to include you in gathering experience at a speed appropriate for someone twice your level (in most cases).
If you are the portal mage. Try not to be the first to enter the portal, they often close right behind you. Try to be clear about where the other players should stand at every map, so that they will automatically go for that spot after clearing. Do not get ahead of the tank unless the area is very safe for you, it sucks to die saving the only mage online with your deathspot marked.
If you are the tank. Don't go too far ahead of the group, and don't hang out in a cleared area. Keep in motion to set a good example for the rest of the party. If you hang out in a cleared area, the party will go ahead of you and take damage you should be taking. If you go too far ahead, nobody else will be able to share experience.
And Finally... Do not try to jump into parties you haven't been invited to, or refuse to hunt without higher level players. Sometimes there are people who are playing who love to help new players, they will shower you with gear and power hunting. Sometimes the only players online are the Player Killers... and the only reason they want you to level up is so they can hunt you down for better gear.
How do Guilds work?
Guilds are groups of 2 to 16 players who can own Geosids. They have their own private chat and gain benefits depending on which geosids are theirs.
Guilds etiquette and policy are determined by the Guild Founder and the Guild Leaders.
Guild Commands
g/create (guildname no parenthesis) - Attempts to create your guild, you must have one other player to join the guild in order to create the guild. The creator gets the title Guild Founder and has the power to promote, invite, and kick players from the guild.
g/join - joins the closest player with an open guild invitation. Membership gives you the right to use guild geosids and to not be attacked by the geosid guardian.
g/promote (character name no parenthesis)- Promotes a character to Leader of the guild. Leaders have the right to invite and kick players from the guild.
g/leave- Leaves the current guild
g/kick- Kicks the closest player from the guild (Might be g/kick (playername) I haven't tested this)
g/invite- Opens guild for new members to join