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1.8.0 - Released! (unfortunately, there are already bugs)

Sat Sep 13, 2008 10:59 pm
by Karl G.
Lots of stuff contained in this update. Download here (in about 10 minutes): GAMEPLAY CHANGE: you no longer have to click to cast a spell; however, target IS still taken into account for spells (just hover your mouse to use Makrus, for example)
Bugs I found already:- teleporting while running is bugged

- the inventory doesn't show up at all initially

- the inventory's scroll bars are hard to grab
- the included map is the old version and not the one I recompiled with the fixed edges. urgh.
Sorry guys, I'm too tired to fix tonight and I've got HW to do tomorrow, but I wanted to put this out there with the new launcher and highly improved animations to see if that helps anyone's speed. I'll see if I can fix the other bugs by offering a download through the launcher.
Re: 1.8.0 - Released! (unfortunately, there are already bugs)

Sun Sep 14, 2008 4:28 am
by Cagen
I can never download from your server, it constantly drops the connection and I get an awesome average speed of around 12Kb/s when and if it manages to connect long enough to see the speed. Where are my mirrors

Re: 1.8.0 - Released! (unfortunately, there are already bugs)

Sun Sep 14, 2008 4:36 am
by kuba
Server is down anyhow =(
Re: 1.8.0 - Released! (unfortunately, there are already bugs)

Sun Sep 14, 2008 7:35 am
by Karl G.
great....yeah the server's down in hardware right now.
Re: 1.8.0 - Released! (unfortunately, there are already bugs)

Sun Sep 14, 2008 8:08 am
by Sankt Pauli
Lol. :s
The server is being a meanie lately.
But to cheer you up, i really dig this new launcher. Improves the overall 'professional' look.
Re: 1.8.0 - Released! (unfortunately, there are already bugs)

Sun Sep 14, 2008 8:17 am
by Karl G.

I appreciate that.
I'm looking into getting a more permanent server. Unfortunately, that's going to start costing me real $$ :/
Re: 1.8.0 - Released! (unfortunately, there are already bugs)

Sun Sep 14, 2008 9:32 am
by thadiusofx3
Sorry about that, hurricane Ike moved through my state last night and knocked power out as it went.
I'll try to get it up asap but no one I know is around.
I'm talking to my brother right now about hosting a server at a permanent place on much better hardware so we'll see how that goes.
Re: 1.8.0 - Released! (unfortunately, there are already bugs)

Sun Sep 14, 2008 10:04 am
by zedd
can sum 1 mirror please?

and why, does everyone have such a bad connection to tht server?, so slow for dling.

Re: 1.8.0 - Released! (unfortunately, there are already bugs)

Sun Sep 14, 2008 10:47 am
by zedd
ughhh, this thing is impossible for me to download at the moment, lol. it veries any were between 300bytes a second to 90 kb a second, and i keep getting disc or something, lol i spent last hour trying to dload this, i made it to 25% once, then it started over, so i gave up. lol
Re: 1.8.0 - Released! (unfortunately, there are already bugs)

Sun Sep 14, 2008 10:47 am
by Serenity
Karl don't get down, when bugs appear. Bugs happen, Humans make mistakes, and in the world of programming debugging is a part of the whole process. what you have done is beyond me. you created a game with little funding, and created your own permanent mark in the mmo world. bugs are going to happen in all your updates, its inevitable. but its our job as players to understand this and help you out the best we can. as long as you are willing to fix the bugs you have, and take suggestions then your player base will be patient and supporting.
Just my thoughts
Re: 1.8.0 - Released! (unfortunately, there are already bugs)

Sun Sep 14, 2008 10:53 am
by zedd

, just wish i could download it :'( lol, well im patient, and its my day off

Re: 1.8.0 - Released! (unfortunately, there are already bugs)

Sun Sep 14, 2008 11:26 am
by Sankt Pauli
The download-speed problem is very odd. I have no problems at all (~400kb/sec) and i'm sitting in germany.
Re: 1.8.0 - Released! (unfortunately, there are already bugs)

Sun Sep 14, 2008 11:28 am
by zedd
can u mirror it please? lol, im anxious.
Re: 1.8.0 - Released! (unfortunately, there are already bugs)

Sun Sep 14, 2008 11:35 am
by zedd
wierd.... i keep getting download complete between 4/6 mb, lol wuts going on here?

Re: 1.8.0 - Released! (unfortunately, there are already bugs)

Sun Sep 14, 2008 11:46 am
by Sankt Pauli
Well i'm no expert, but if you're the only one having those problems it might be your pc/connection. :p
Unfortunately i have no webspace accounts anywhere so i can't host stuff. :s
Re: 1.8.0 - Released! (unfortunately, there are already bugs)

Sun Sep 14, 2008 11:58 am
by zedd
i think is free, and im in usa, lol, i i got a 12 mb connection, every other site just fine,

Re: 1.8.0 - Released! (unfortunately, there are already bugs)

Sun Sep 14, 2008 12:04 pm
by zedd
ugh, i got up too 7.2 mbs then it said download complete, i give up.

Re: 1.8.0 - Released! (unfortunately, there are already bugs)

Sun Sep 14, 2008 12:11 pm
by Sankt Pauli
Lol yay, didn't know filehosting is now as easy as imagehosting (not that it wasn't to be expected, but meh...anyways).
I mirrored it for you: hope it helps. :รถ
Re: 1.8.0 - Released! (unfortunately, there are already bugs)

Sun Sep 14, 2008 12:13 pm
by zedd
ur my hero :O

lol, thanks much.

Re: 1.8.0 - Released! (unfortunately, there are already bugs)

Sun Sep 14, 2008 12:25 pm
by Karl G.
Yay! Thanks

By the way, I uploaded 1.8.1--when you start Evidyon, it should prompt you to download the update.
Re: 1.8.0 - Released! (unfortunately, there are already bugs)

Sun Sep 14, 2008 12:30 pm
by Sankt Pauli
Yeah, worked absolutely fine here.
Re: 1.8.0 - Released! (unfortunately, there are already bugs)

Sun Sep 14, 2008 12:37 pm
by Richard. UK
Is there a problem with the server still?
I am unable to connect, just wondering if it is down as I understand there have been some updates for tabbing on the introduction screen. However the launcher keeps telling me that it needs to be updated, over and over. Is anyone else experiencing this issue as well?
All the Best,
Re: 1.8.0 - Released! (unfortunately, there are already bugs)

Sun Sep 14, 2008 12:39 pm
by zedd
aye, i am, i did updates sse, sse2 or whatever, i click play, doesnt connect to server, then close it, then i got to do updates again, but still doesnt connect, i dont think it is sposed to update everytime?

Re: 1.8.0 - Released! (unfortunately, there are already bugs)

Sun Sep 14, 2008 12:40 pm
by Cagen
Sankt Pauli wrote:Well i'm no expert, but if you're the only one having those problems it might be your pc/connection. :p
Unfortunately i have no webspace accounts anywhere so i can't host stuff. :s
He isn't the only one, I can never download from the server. Thanks for the mirror.
Re: 1.8.0 - Released! (unfortunately, there are already bugs)

Sun Sep 14, 2008 12:41 pm
by Joe M.
Same as the last two: every time I start the game, it tells me I need to update. When I get the updates, it won't connect.