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GIANT lag bug

Tue Aug 26, 2008 12:04 pm
by Karl G.
Original post:
[quote=Karl G.]Anyone else lag a whole lot when they level?[/quote]
This bug is actually the same thing that's causing the really big lags in the server's response time. It's caused by writing your items to the database when you either (1) log out of the world or (2) level up. I'm working on a fix right now.
The little lag is something different, which I'll be covering next.
Re: Huge lag during level-up

Tue Aug 26, 2008 12:15 pm
by thadiusofx3
no just when casting spells or when the fog rolls in
Re: Huge lag during level-up

Tue Aug 26, 2008 12:16 pm
by Karl G.
Thadius, I'm going to add a config setting to reduce the spell effect quality for you

Re: Huge lag during level-up

Tue Aug 26, 2008 12:16 pm
by Richard. UK
I'm getting a little bit of a lagg when someone logs onto the server when i'm on the screen, sometimes when another player shows on the screen apart from me, for a split second.
I'll upload my debug files for you a 2 seconds
<a href="">My Debug File 1</a>
<a href="">My Debug File 2</a>
I also occasionally get this opaque overlay f blue similar to the translucent fog effect, I dont know if this is supposed to happen but this is the screenshot I got of it for you

Hope this Helps!
Re: Huge lag during level-up

Tue Aug 26, 2008 12:21 pm
by Karl G.
Hmm that is really weird. Is the fog always that color? Because if it's normally a bluish color, then that means the world temporarily skips rendering. The background is red, so red + blue = this weird purple thing.
Re: Huge lag during level-up

Tue Aug 26, 2008 12:21 pm
by thadiusofx3
I get that too every once in a blue moon
Re: Huge lag during level-up

Tue Aug 26, 2008 12:22 pm
by Karl G.
Holy bananas this debug file is huge!!! And it's almost all filled with "ping"....I forgot about that.
Re: Huge lag during level-up

Tue Aug 26, 2008 12:29 pm
by Entropy
I just received the "Pale Blue Screen of Death" that Richard has posted. Also, when the fog starts to roll in, I also get severe lag and/or disconnected from the server.
Pale Blue Screen of Death Debug: ... 3ecf40fd5eSevere Fog/Disconnect from Server Debug: ... febb3fb5e3
Re: Huge lag during level-up

Tue Aug 26, 2008 12:35 pm
by Richard. UK
Karl, the severe Pale Blue screening happens occasionally, But sometimes the fog will work normally also, so it can happen and sometimes doesnt, I will try and work out if I can what triggers this, or unless it is entirely random. will keep a watch on what I am performing at the time.
Re: Huge lag during level-up

Tue Aug 26, 2008 12:42 pm
by Blue Tiger
Logged in twice, gotten the blue pale screen twice. First time it happened when i was testing spells on the skelly guys up-left from spawn point, and then again a second time when just testing some spells at the spawn area. Other then that, pretty good. Im very clueless on what most of these spells do. Any hints on a heal/ nice attack for adepts? lol
Ill ask this, maybe theres an answer, is there a way to unbind a certain key like when you want to replace it with another spell?
Re: Huge lag during level-up

Tue Aug 26, 2008 1:16 pm
by Richard. UK
I believe the Pale Blue Screen happens when you die and the fog initiates?? can anyone else see that happening?
twice now I have died and occasionally on 2 occasions the Blue Pale Screen has happend
Maybe Anyone else can see that too?

Hope that helps!
Re: Huge lag during level-up

Tue Aug 26, 2008 1:19 pm
by Blue Tiger
Just had it happened again. From my experience its like a huge thick fog cloud moving in, but i was able to walk south and get out of it.
Re: Huge lag during level-up

Tue Aug 26, 2008 1:59 pm
by Serenity
The fog usually makes me unable to cast spells, but sometimes I can move around in it.
I also get the lag while leveling up.
No lag while casting spells.