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game options

Mon Jan 26, 2009 5:44 pm
by deathstalker
so what does everyone think that this
game needs in the long run. i mean
we all play alot of different games
and most of us either came here from
xenimus or still play the game(i don't know why)
or diablo or whatever.just curious has to what everyone
Re: game options

Mon Jan 26, 2009 6:17 pm
by Karl G.
I'm very interested to hear everyone's opinions. I have a plan, but it would help a lot to know what other people think needs to happen.
Re: game options

Tue Jan 27, 2009 9:18 pm
by Broken Star
u mean like this stuff?
Raid Bosses(make them spawn often and drop less, where ej has it at spawn less and drop more is bad. At least being about to fight a raid boss is fun.)
Shrines(the general easy stat shrines, along with super hard +100 hp + 100 mp shrines or something, also shrines for spells. Like super hard shrines you need to be level X to enter, 1 for each class to obtain a high level spell.)
Chests(have them in dungs where you can only find the key to it in that dung)
Quests with decent quest log(kills quests,shrine quests, raid boss quests, craft quests, quests for dung keys, etc)
or u mean like this stuff:
Friends list
Whisper function -- these 3 more or less together
black list
guilds(have 1 leader who can add/kick/appoint 2 marshals that can add/kick)/guild chat
party system / party chat
Re: game options

Tue Jan 27, 2009 9:31 pm
by Rabit561
deathstalker wrote:so what does everyone think that this
game needs in the long run. i mean
we all play alot of different games
and most of us either came here from
xenimus or still play the game(i don't know why)
or diablo or whatever.just curious has to what everyone
In the long run, this game has ALOTTA work. So I don't think you should even start thinking about that stuff yet XD
Think about what needs to be done NOW then think about the cool little details, just like a blue-print start the outlines, then so on and so forth

Re: game options

Wed Jan 28, 2009 5:23 pm
by deathstalker
thank all who have responded.
Re: game options

Mon Feb 09, 2009 10:18 am
by deathstalker
broken that is some good ideas and i like them.
the bad thing with the guild system on xen is that if you
-kick someone it kicks all or you have to find the exact
person and his location.and from a guild leader myself
this can be very difficult.any one that reads this post please
input what you think this game idea is stupid or dumb.
we really need feedback to help karl out.