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Jumpy Experience

Sun Oct 18, 2009 5:05 am
by Glorfindelus
While I was level 29, the experience per kill jumped from the average 50s and 60s to exactly 102xp. When I hit 30 it returned to normal. I believe Shupter and/or ffrank experience the same thing. These experience values are all as when in a party.
Re: Jumpy Experience

Sun Oct 18, 2009 6:01 am
by willy nilly
yep even low level monsters get massive exp boost when in party.
Re: Jumpy Experience

Tue Oct 20, 2009 3:36 pm
by Glorfindelus
I just started leveling again since I have a little more hp and armor from buffs/upgraded rings. I noticed that trolls give me 11xp a kill, and liches give 12xp a kill. The lich xp especially seems a little low. Is this normal or a bug? I don't know if you are using intel to raise/lower xp gain, but it's 38.
Re: Jumpy Experience

Wed Oct 21, 2009 7:02 am
by Karl G.
Glorfindelus wrote:I just started leveling again since I have a little more hp and armor from buffs/upgraded rings. I noticed that trolls give me 11xp a kill, and liches give 12xp a kill. The lich xp especially seems a little low. Is this normal or a bug? I don't know if you are using intel to raise/lower xp gain, but it's 38.
This is a bug. It'll be fixed when chaos gets pushed back again.