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An Official Apology to the Community.

PostPosted: Wed Nov 19, 2008 6:27 am
by Richard. UK
Greetings everyone,

I'm sure you will remember me somehow and in some way :), as of late I have been extremely caught up in life and changes to the business that I am working in currently. It is obviously one of those times during this worldwide recession and I am trying my dearest to actually get a spare moment to my friends and fellows here in the community.

It is sad to see that from what I recall, Thadius has been hacked?, and from this I would presume that the hosting for the server has become incomplete therefore having knock on effects to the rest of us here. My only thoughts here is that, we should not let this affect us in any way, and continue as we all do, to strive and pursue the dream of re-playing and evolving a remarkable project into something that we all once loved and enjoyed.

I hope that none of you have forgotten about me as I am still here and have not fell away from this at all. I still support the project and our truly wonderful community with all my heart, and I will do whatever it takes along side Karl to keep pursuing and strive to bring this wonderful situation that we are all in together, into a truly amazing experience. And to hopefully one day bring forward aspects of gameplay previously enjoyed back into our gaming life.

I shall endeavor to log into the community more often, although I can not make promises right now!

Take Care Everyone, :)

All the Very Best,

Re: An Official Apology to the Community.

PostPosted: Wed Nov 19, 2008 1:26 pm
by Karl G.
Hi Richard! Good to hear from you. I was wondering what might have happened to cause you to stop visiting for a while :)

I hope things settle down in the near future so you can drop by more often.

Talk to you soon,
