Updating Question and gear Release timing (just read)

Theres alot of concern about item rareity and values and so on....
This topic doesn't deal with that. It does however address the updating situation.
Are you going to release Mystic, Spirit, Ominex, Diabolic seperately? These gears obviously weren't added into the game at one time. They were spread out over the course of time. Mystic first, months later came spirit, maybe a year or two came Ominex. Will Pro. Volc. start Xenimus and the very end of the gear spectrum, starting with crap...and eventually after a while new gears will be added unannounced. This, of course, is how EJ did it. I encourage this method of updating.
Similarly, will the Xenimus landscape receive similar timing in it's updates? First continent, second....and so on. T1, t2, t3, t4.....yadda yadda. These towns are labeled such by when they were introduced into Xenimus. How are you going to address this?
Those of us from the beginning remember the mystery of the next batch of updated gear. Spirit was basically unheard of, I myself only learning of it from Wrath. We almost never saw these gears - only existing in the hands of two or three - and sometimes not at all. I know they kept some gear locked up and a mystery.
Anyways, enough memories. The key here is updating, mystery, unannounced batches of gears and towns and continents. What are your plans?
This topic doesn't deal with that. It does however address the updating situation.
Are you going to release Mystic, Spirit, Ominex, Diabolic seperately? These gears obviously weren't added into the game at one time. They were spread out over the course of time. Mystic first, months later came spirit, maybe a year or two came Ominex. Will Pro. Volc. start Xenimus and the very end of the gear spectrum, starting with crap...and eventually after a while new gears will be added unannounced. This, of course, is how EJ did it. I encourage this method of updating.
Similarly, will the Xenimus landscape receive similar timing in it's updates? First continent, second....and so on. T1, t2, t3, t4.....yadda yadda. These towns are labeled such by when they were introduced into Xenimus. How are you going to address this?
Those of us from the beginning remember the mystery of the next batch of updated gear. Spirit was basically unheard of, I myself only learning of it from Wrath. We almost never saw these gears - only existing in the hands of two or three - and sometimes not at all. I know they kept some gear locked up and a mystery.
Anyways, enough memories. The key here is updating, mystery, unannounced batches of gears and towns and continents. What are your plans?