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Sun Jul 22, 2007 10:23 am
by a_link_to_the_past
I agree with Thaduis' idea

Sun Jul 22, 2007 5:33 pm
by Richard. UK
Is there any way that say for example:
Some1 attacks me but i do not attack back - (I do not loose any Items)
Some1 attacks me but i attack back - I take the risk of loosing item (if 10 lvls higher no loss, if under 10 Item loss.)
Dont you think this will almost create a sense of taument for PKers, so they can almost Taunt or Lure the victim into attacking back if they get annoyed with a constant person on their back attacking them weaking them while they fight monsters. Or even when in a huge PVP battle with alot of people if a wizard beams you that does alot of damage when your FIG vs FIG and wizard kills you, you have nothing to worry about becuz you did not attack the wizard back??
just elaborating on thadius idea slightly

Wed Jul 25, 2007 1:48 am
by ziggman
i honestly think that idea would create alot of REALLY annoying people lol

Wed Jul 25, 2007 2:24 am
by Richard. UK
In all honesty it would make an annoyance for you while you leveling, but the Pker would get no advantage from it becuz you would not loose any items unless you attack them

Wed Jul 25, 2007 6:57 am
by Vitriol
nah, if soneone pks you as long as they are not 10 levels over you should drop an item. We have to bring the danger back people.
If you are that concerned play a warlock, reditus cubile ftw.

Wed Jul 25, 2007 3:21 pm
by Nenitus
upon reading this thread, someone's post made me think of a suggestion.
we should find some way to track a 'monster pk'
in which some high level dispells an invis newb and they die, stuff like that.
if the system could detect that the high level person did that, and caused the death, and they were punished for it (align loss), we would have alot less stupid a-holes pking newbs or taking advantage of monsters to do the killing for them.
same goes for attacking someone once so their hp goes real low and the monsters kill them...
but then again you'd get people abusing this system so innocent people lose align by hitting someone by accident, etc.

Wed Jul 25, 2007 5:38 pm
by Ratiotile
It should be possible to detect when dispel causes someone to die. That attacking problem is more difficult and I think it will require in-game mods. I am working on a system to promote good sportsmanship with a player karma system. Bad news is that players may not care what their karma is, if there are no direct repercussions, and the problem with having direct penalties is possible abuse.

Wed Jul 25, 2007 10:14 pm
by ziggman
what about making it so that invis cannot be dispelled? all other buffs can be dipselled if the person is high enuf level. but invis will not dispell.

Wed Jul 25, 2007 10:56 pm
by Vitriol
ziggman wrote:what about making it so that invis cannot be dispelled? all other buffs can be dipselled if the person is high enuf level. but invis will not dispell.
That would be a significant departure from xenimus. Invisible people need to be able to be dispelled. You are always gonna have meanie players antagonizing other players, we shouldnt try to turn this into a care-bear game. Nasty people will only breed groups of players dedicated to their destruction, which was an important part of the old xen atmosphere.

Thu Jul 26, 2007 1:23 am
by ziggman
hm well not to mention the only time somone should really worry while hunting invis, is when they are hunting monster that they cannot take, or being powerleveld. its very rare i hunt while invised, accept on my warlock at skell wars. and i only did that cause it was faster. i did hunt skells invised when i was level 3-5 but there was no worries about losing gear at that level.

Thu Jul 26, 2007 5:14 am
by Vitriol
ziggman wrote:hm well not to mention the only time somone should really worry while hunting invis, is when they are hunting monster that they cannot take, or being powerleveld. its very rare i hunt while invised, accept on my warlock at skell wars. and i only did that cause it was faster. i did hunt skells invised when i was level 3-5 but there was no worries about losing gear at that level.
Exactly, typically invis gives players the ability to hunt enemies they otherwise wouldnt. Its just a natural danger to playing that way. You risk being dispelled.