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The new PV forums

Tue Feb 27, 2007 7:36 am
by Karl G.
Our forums will be undergoing some cleanup in the next few days to re-organize everything and make it more accessable. If you have any suggestions, please PM either myself or Thadiusofx3

Tue Feb 27, 2007 12:40 pm
by thadiusofx3
I'll start organizing things now.

Tue Feb 27, 2007 3:00 pm
by Joe M.
let's not split into too many forums. that causes problems. For example, sound, models, and maps could probably be combined into a "media" forum.

Tue Feb 27, 2007 3:10 pm
by secretrk1313
i agree, may i also suggest a request forum? to put ideas people may have to improve the game

Tue Feb 27, 2007 7:45 pm
by Joe M.
yeah--but that's what all these forums are for, no?

Tue Feb 27, 2007 7:49 pm
by thadiusofx3
models, sounds and maps will need to be separated for what I'm planning

Tue Feb 27, 2007 8:04 pm
by Karl G.
What exactly are you planning?
Joe: I'm curious to see what kind of organization can come from multiple forums. We can always merge them again if it doesn't work out.

Tue Feb 27, 2007 8:11 pm
by thadiusofx3
I'm planning a big content creating festival.
It will help to better organize things so that people who want to create content won't be hindered by all of the clutter that is inherent in only having one forum to do it in.

Tue Feb 27, 2007 10:11 pm
by Joe M.
well, it's always good to try things, I suppose. I'm leery of the many-forums style because I haven't seen it work too well in the past. But Karl's right--we can always change it if it doesn't work.

Tue Feb 27, 2007 10:13 pm
by thadiusofx3
you'll see what I'm up to tomorrow or possibly later tonight if I feel motivated enough