Hi everyone!
Just reminding you that this Saturday (tomorrow!) we're having the first Evidyon gathering. I'll have my debug server up and running, and a new version of the game to download.
So you can download the installer early, I'll be releasing it around 1 pm tomorrow. The server will come online at 1:45 or so.
This event should be a lot of fun! I'm readjusting the monster difficulties, the stats screen should be operational, and I'm going to try adding some new areas. I'd also really like to implement some more spells but we'll see how things go

See ya tomorrow.
The server is going online in a few minutes. Since the old server is down, it was impossible for me to retrieve your character data from it. We'll all be starting fresh.
Uploading now...also, I apologize for the obnoxiousness of the installer. It will install over top of an old version, if you have it, and you'll end up with two "Evidyon" games.