*Introduction* Hi I'm Sacco =)

Hey I'm Sacco i was introduced to this project by Simpo , I found it interesting and a good experience to come across im currently Studying Gaming Design and prevously have learnt a few other things that might come in handy for you's Well before i tell you's about my skills let me introduce my self properly my name is johnny and my last name is sacco which everyone calls me by my Dob is 26/11/1990 and my ambision in life is to build my own media studio toHelp Building Up Australia's media coverage so it can compete with other big label country's but not just for one party i want to do it with ( Filming , Music Production / producing , Wed Design , Animation , game design and more ) i already Started working on this and its coming along great im also a dancer i been dancing for Years now =) i hip-hop Dance alot of styles, Break dance & currently learning Contemporary umm i think that should be enough about me for now.
A Few Skills i have:
I C# Programing Language
3ds modeling
Cinema 4d Modeling
Game Maker Programing
Flash animation
pretty good Photoshop R ( But my Cuzn Still owns me -_-)
Adobe After Effect im good at making Movie Animations and Trailers
Sound Mixing & making Original Beats ( Im currently Opening my own Recording Booth=))
Filming i own a filming production i enjoy it =)
photography ( Touch Ups and Enhancements )
Databases ( I can Make data bases but not full on pro at it [ it takes me time])
and i got a few other thing but i cant think of right now =)
Well thats me and ill be posting around here more often ow and if you want to get in contact with me production website http://www.risk1710.com go to my forum and contact me or add my msn johnny_sacco@hotmail.com catcha tc
A Few Skills i have:
I C# Programing Language
3ds modeling
Cinema 4d Modeling
Game Maker Programing
Flash animation
pretty good Photoshop R ( But my Cuzn Still owns me -_-)
Adobe After Effect im good at making Movie Animations and Trailers
Sound Mixing & making Original Beats ( Im currently Opening my own Recording Booth=))
Filming i own a filming production i enjoy it =)
photography ( Touch Ups and Enhancements )
Databases ( I can Make data bases but not full on pro at it [ it takes me time])
and i got a few other thing but i cant think of right now =)
Well thats me and ill be posting around here more often ow and if you want to get in contact with me production website http://www.risk1710.com go to my forum and contact me or add my msn johnny_sacco@hotmail.com catcha tc