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Stuck in a wall....

Mon Oct 26, 2009 11:08 am
by xile
I'm stuck in a wall in the Southern Crypt...I can't move out of it. Is there a stuck command?
Re: Stuck in a wall....

Mon Oct 26, 2009 11:25 am
by marzuku
xile wrote:I'm stuck in a wall in the Southern Crypt...I can't move out of it. Is there a stuck command?
lol.. fun fun fun, well hmm u in a guild? write g/home (transports you to guild rendevous) reditus doma or move up and down if its the spot i think it is.
Re: Stuck in a wall....

Mon Oct 26, 2009 2:52 pm
by xile
I'm getting stuck in walls way too much. g/home is the only cure I've found for it. Any plan in remedying this?
Re: Stuck in a wall....

Mon Oct 26, 2009 5:06 pm
by Joe M.
Are you getting stuck in secret passages? I've had some trouble with those myself, particularly at the entrances.
Re: Stuck in a wall....

Mon Oct 26, 2009 5:21 pm
by Part-Time Modeler
I have had a few instances where i have attack-run into a wall and been stuck.
I have leaped over a wall and ended up in the middle of it stuck in a tree. Took a couple more jumps to get out.
Also, is anyone else having trouble with freezing in the southern crypts? I have not froze as of 10-26 with the new update though.
Re: Stuck in a wall....

Tue Oct 27, 2009 5:22 pm
by Glorfindelus
When stuck in a wall, all spells become mute/ineffective (as well as Valtus Mederi Charms). It's getting kinda annoying and making me very angry, because I'll get stuck in a wall, enemies walk up behind blocking my way out, and I can't kill (no spells work) them nor do I have enough time to type g/home. I died, and because the charm doesn't work I get a 50k xp penalty.

I would really appreciate if I could have the penalty removed or the xp reimbursed if I manage to work it off before Karl or Erich reads this. Also, items that are dropped when stuck in a wall vanish, if I had dropped one of my rarer items it would've been even worse. =/ I strongly suggest moving this bug close to the top of your to-do list. Thanks for taking the time to read.
Re: Stuck in a wall....

Tue Oct 27, 2009 5:28 pm
by Joe M.
Glorfindelus wrote:When stuck in a wall, all spells become mute/ineffective (as well as Valtus Mederi Charms)...Also, items that are dropped when stuck in a wall vanish
I haven't experienced the first problem (which is not to say that it doesn't exist, just that I can't myself confirm it): I have had trouble *targeting* spells, but find that area spells work nicely. I don't believe I've ever been killed while stuck and wearing a V.M.C., so I couldn't speak to that. I have had trouble recovering lost items: they seem to be dropped in places where I can't reach them.
Has anybody else experienced these three problems?
Re: Stuck in a wall....

Tue Oct 27, 2009 8:00 pm
by Part-Time Modeler
I have experienced these problems as well, only I lost my Earthen Emblem.
I tried for 20 minutes clicking around in the wall to see if I could happen to walk on my pile to pick up my gear. No luck.
With my warrior, when stuck in a wall I can't seem to get out of, I am able to perform tornado or spin, cast reditas dorma (return to square) and I just keep spinning incase any enemies come at me. You cannot see the creatures, nor hear their spells, but you know if you kill one of them because the gold pile (or any dropped gear) will still show up.
Re: Stuck in a wall....

Wed Oct 28, 2009 5:51 pm
by marzuku
well my mate xzyte does the same guys, i change the angle of the camera though if i am to use such a pathway so i can surf through it, some have difficulties with the camera angle from the side.
Re: Stuck in a wall....

Wed Oct 28, 2009 9:02 pm
by Karl G.
I've fixed the getting stuck in wall problem for tonight.
Re: Stuck in a wall....

Wed Oct 28, 2009 9:05 pm
by Part-Time Modeler
So can I still attack enemies through walls?
Re: Stuck in a wall....

Thu Oct 29, 2009 6:19 am
by Karl G.
Maybe. Depends on how far away they are through the wall...