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Poll on How Deleting Should Work

Wed Oct 01, 2008 7:29 pm
by Karl G.
Which of these would be your preference for how deleting a character occurs? Currently, I have implemented #3.
Re: Poll on How Deleting Should Work

Wed Oct 01, 2008 8:34 pm
by Cagen
Is there a way you can implement option 3 but still allow new characters with the same name?
I am asking this because while making newb characters and testing things out or if you just mess up while leveling and want to remake, you usually want to use the same name and not have to come up with a load of names. However it is useful having a backup on in case you accidentally delete a character or someone else deletes it.
If it had to be either or, I would choose to just permanently delete the character, with no backup on the server so I could use the same names.
Re: Poll on How Deleting Should Work

Wed Oct 01, 2008 11:09 pm
by Joe M.
Good point, Cagen.
If you reserve the name, it should be such that the same account can reuse the name. Don't know how practical that is from your end, Karl, but I know I'll create a character 3-4 times before getting him "right," and I don't want to have to use names like "testchar[1-3]" for the first few iterations ...
Re: Poll on How Deleting Should Work

Fri Oct 17, 2008 3:43 pm
by Draco
How about this?
When deleting a character, the character can stay on the account for 48 hours to hmm... a week? where the character deletion can be cancelled (to cut down customer-service requests because someone tried to delete someone else's account, or if it was an accident)
Once the character is deleted, the name is reserved in the server for a month.
If the same account tries to delete and make another character with the same name which is still reserved in the server, it will still allow it to create... this just means no other account can take that name until a month after the character is deleted.
This should help prevent accidental deletions, deleting chars through hacking, ect... and also keep names reserved to accounts for a while.