Licensing and Content

I have a solid development idea for this project that won't leave anyone out in the cold, and should help get this game off the ground much more quickly. This post might be long, but please try to read through it all if you're interested in seeing PV succeed.
PV's Biggest Problem
Currently, the largest roadblock to the success of Project Volucris (PV) is a lack of content. Content takes time to develop, which is why I have decoded the MDJ format to use while developing this game. However, this presents a very, very big issue: although I have the models, textures and sounds (all the content ever required), I don't have the right to use them. Whether or not Thayer bought them from someone else or had a friend made them, they are not mine and releasing a game using this content would either (a) infringe on intellectual property rights, and I could be sued or (b) require that PV be completely free and considered a "derivative work" of Xenimus. This would mean that it is unable to distribute its own content, and Xenimus must be installed to run the game. Think of CounterStrike. CS is legally considered a derivative work of Half-Life, and originally could only accept donations to help cover the project's cost.
Derivative Works
These are considered to be owned by the creator of the original work. In cases of dispute, the owner of the original work has nearly complete control. If PV became a derivative work of Xenimus, EJ could say "stop" and bam! that's the end. He could encrypt the original model files, or change the formats slightly so PV would break after each update he does. Plus, PV would run on servers funded entirely by myself and whatever donations people decided to make--and lets face it--nobody's going to pay for something they can get free. A few of you are noble enough to help out, but a server is expensive. This route leads perilously to dependence on Thayer and my own financial support. It's a recipe for disaster.
So What Else?
I have seen that many of you are willing to step up and learn what is required to help out. I highly respect that. Now, examine the big picture with me: even if you worked round the clock, it's still going to be a long time before you can make something usable, especially if it's animated. There are so many fine-adjustments and little problems that have to be solved along the way, and just not enough time to do it if PV is going to get anywhere before people (myself included) lose interest.
The Solution (read this if nothing else)
Buying content. This means buying 3D models and textures. Sounds and music are easy enough to create or find on the web, but models take time and skill to create, which we just don't have right now. Plus, any purchased models are bound to be good quality (after all if they weren't, nobody would buy them) and there's a huge selection out there. They'll be in the right formats, and I'll have the complete right to use them. The best thing to do would be scour the web for where EJ bought his models. Find every place that sells 3D models or has free models/textures and let me know about them by posting here on the PV forums.
The catch is that this plan costs money. So here's what I propose. All donations from now until a certain date (established later when PV is closer to completion) will be recorded and used to buy content for the game. If PV succeeds and becomes pay-to-play, your donations will be credited to an account as account time at the rate established (likely between $3 and $10 for 30 days). Additionally, I'll put your name in the credits. This way, you can both receive a return on your investment and credit for your help.
Honestly, I don't know if PV will ever succeed. It certainly looks like it will, and I'm going to try to make it happen, but you might just be throwing your money away. Be prepared never to see it again. However, if you want to put this project on the highway to success instead of the back-road, this is what has to be done.
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PV's Biggest Problem
Currently, the largest roadblock to the success of Project Volucris (PV) is a lack of content. Content takes time to develop, which is why I have decoded the MDJ format to use while developing this game. However, this presents a very, very big issue: although I have the models, textures and sounds (all the content ever required), I don't have the right to use them. Whether or not Thayer bought them from someone else or had a friend made them, they are not mine and releasing a game using this content would either (a) infringe on intellectual property rights, and I could be sued or (b) require that PV be completely free and considered a "derivative work" of Xenimus. This would mean that it is unable to distribute its own content, and Xenimus must be installed to run the game. Think of CounterStrike. CS is legally considered a derivative work of Half-Life, and originally could only accept donations to help cover the project's cost.
Derivative Works
These are considered to be owned by the creator of the original work. In cases of dispute, the owner of the original work has nearly complete control. If PV became a derivative work of Xenimus, EJ could say "stop" and bam! that's the end. He could encrypt the original model files, or change the formats slightly so PV would break after each update he does. Plus, PV would run on servers funded entirely by myself and whatever donations people decided to make--and lets face it--nobody's going to pay for something they can get free. A few of you are noble enough to help out, but a server is expensive. This route leads perilously to dependence on Thayer and my own financial support. It's a recipe for disaster.
So What Else?
I have seen that many of you are willing to step up and learn what is required to help out. I highly respect that. Now, examine the big picture with me: even if you worked round the clock, it's still going to be a long time before you can make something usable, especially if it's animated. There are so many fine-adjustments and little problems that have to be solved along the way, and just not enough time to do it if PV is going to get anywhere before people (myself included) lose interest.
The Solution (read this if nothing else)
Buying content. This means buying 3D models and textures. Sounds and music are easy enough to create or find on the web, but models take time and skill to create, which we just don't have right now. Plus, any purchased models are bound to be good quality (after all if they weren't, nobody would buy them) and there's a huge selection out there. They'll be in the right formats, and I'll have the complete right to use them. The best thing to do would be scour the web for where EJ bought his models. Find every place that sells 3D models or has free models/textures and let me know about them by posting here on the PV forums.
The catch is that this plan costs money. So here's what I propose. All donations from now until a certain date (established later when PV is closer to completion) will be recorded and used to buy content for the game. If PV succeeds and becomes pay-to-play, your donations will be credited to an account as account time at the rate established (likely between $3 and $10 for 30 days). Additionally, I'll put your name in the credits. This way, you can both receive a return on your investment and credit for your help.
Honestly, I don't know if PV will ever succeed. It certainly looks like it will, and I'm going to try to make it happen, but you might just be throwing your money away. Be prepared never to see it again. However, if you want to put this project on the highway to success instead of the back-road, this is what has to be done.
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